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Another K Pop singer dies

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The former singer of the group Kara has died.  Goo Hara was found dead.  Not much information.   Kara was very popular.  I don't follow K Pop, but a lot fo the Asian students at school love it.  It's very popular among  Americans too.  




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Re: Another K Pop singer dies

How sad.  She is a beautiful young lady - so much ahead yet to be seen & done.  Fame brings a lot of change very quickly to a life of any age and I'll bet that is hard on anyone.  Don't know if any of that is realted to her death - I hope not.  Still, a sad loss, way too soon, no matter what the cause of her death.  

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Re: Another K Pop singer dies

For some reason, the cause of death for the K Pop stars always leads me to suspect something related to the procedures/treatments to westernize their looks.


Perhaps they also get onto some drugs along the way.  I truly do not know, but for the young man who died not too long ago and for this young lady, the first thought that popped into my mind had to do with cosmetic surgery and other treatments to alter their looks.  Was there something in how they were surgically altered that was dangerous to their health?


Maybe the surgery left residual pain that these two stars treated with painkillers.


Did anyone learn how the young man died?

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Re: Another K Pop singer dies

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@songbird   I read on line earlier today that  it was suggested that she had previously attempted suicide a few months ago.  It's just so sad.

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Re: Another K Pop singer dies

I won't speculate the cause of death, because I am not familiar with any facts of this case. It is yet, another loss of a young life related to pop culture. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends, as they process their loss.



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