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Re: Joan Rivers does it AGAIN with her big mouth

I have posted this before. I have no strong feelings about JR either way. However, my old boss' nephew once dated Melissa and my boss had been to gatherings at her home on several occasions. He always told me she was the kindest, most sincere, generous and gracious in RL, and nothing like her public persona, which is her "bread and butter." She says of her negative publicity, "it comes with the territory" and doesn't worry about it.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: Joan Rivers does it AGAIN with her big mouth

On 3/31/2014 radiancegrace said: BonnieBelle, I watched the first episode of Joan and Melissa this past Saturday evening. I love her no matter what she says or does. She is who she is, and is true to Joan. I recently saw her, as she performed in my area. I am a lesbian, and she said a negative comment about lesbians, during her show. I did not take it, personally, it was a part of her act. People need to lighten up. Bottom line, the woman has a big heart when all is said and done.

What was the negative comment?

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Re: Joan Rivers does it AGAIN with her big mouth

My husband and I will be seeing Don Rickles this summer.....just for the heck of it. We've seen Joan and Kathy so might as well!

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Re: Joan Rivers does it AGAIN with her big mouth

On 3/31/2014 radiancegrace said: BonnieBelle, I watched the first episode of Joan and Melissa this past Saturday evening. I love her no matter what she says or does. She is who she is, and is true to Joan. I recently saw her, as she performed in my area. I am a lesbian, and she said a negative comment about lesbians, during her show. I did not take it, personally, it was a part of her act. People need to lighten up. Bottom line, the woman has a big heart when all is said and done.

The Jackson family has lived in the Las Vegas area for years. In fact, Rebbie still performs every now and then. For Joan to come to Vegas once a year and open her big mouth about THEIR FAMILY MEMBER is terrible (I'm referring to her crass remarks about Michael). If she had such a big heart, she'd remove that from her act.

edited: And I don't believe for one second that she has a real tattoo! That stuff in the news was all hype. She's much too cowardly to get her body inked!

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Re: Joan Rivers does it AGAIN with her big mouth

Yes nice women do listen to Howard Stern. I listen every day that he is on. He is a great interviewer.

Posts: 39
Registered: ‎03-31-2014

Re: Joan Rivers does it AGAIN with her big mouth

On 3/31/2014 Moonlady said:

I hear her stand-up routine in Vegas was really raunchy, but that's JR.


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Re: Joan Rivers does it AGAIN with her big mouth

On 4/3/2014 Lorainne said:
On 3/31/2014 Moonlady said:

I hear her stand-up routine in Vegas was <em>really</em> raunchy, but that's JR.


And you know this because you went to it? I did and it wasn't raunchy. It was simply not funny. In fact her incessant need to bring up Michael Jackson probably has more to do with her hatred and feud with Elizabeth Taylor who Michael Jackson was publicly very good friends with. So, they're both deceased and JR like the coward she is, bashes them in her act.

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Re: Joan Rivers does it AGAIN with her big mouth

On 3/26/2014 Burnsite said:

Telling Joan Rivers to zip her mouth is pretty futile. This is still the USA, no?

A person with a show on HBO doesn't have to worry about Joan Rivers.

Agreed. They are always so shocked at Joan Rivers. I am always shocked that anyone is shocked. Really who cares? Rock on Joan!