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What's with all the Christmas trees?  My gosh...they will beat Christmas to death so much we'll be sick of it before it gets here.

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Re: It's not even Halloween yet

Buckle up!  Here we go again 😜👻😜

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Re: It's not even Halloween yet

Somebody bring the deer eating the popcorn gif....stat!

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Re: It's not even Halloween yet

I know some people resent when some of us complain about Christmas being pushed so early. Why? It doesn't affect your ability to decorate , purchase or watch the Christmas shows. Am I right ?

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: It's not even Halloween yet

I was laughing because we just went through this the other day, @QVCkitty1.  I do my best to ignore all of the Christmas hoopla, as it's not my favorite holiday.

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Re: It's not even Halloween yet

Christmas complaining  =  30 + threads since july.


countless repeating of the same thing.




i want them to air only what i want.


i want them to only decorate how i want.


i have no tolerance of others needs or wants.


me me me!

~~who/what is responsible for your joy? YOU!~~
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Re: It's not even Halloween yet

It's because they are selling gifts and decorations for Christmas.  So, they have to start early.  All retailers are in Christmas mode now but that doesn't mean that we're supposed to follow them.  Although, we can if we want to.  These days, some people go into Christmas before Thanksgiving comes.

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Re: It's not even Halloween yet

As you can see Christmas items all  year now, as soon as you see one on QVC before December 15 you can be assurred that these posts will be popping up.


To my knowledge, since the 1960's people have been buying holiday items earlier and earlier mostly because women work and travel and there is little time.  If you wait to start buying until December, you can't possibly get it done.


Stores make more over a longer season.   People have a tree up longer since artificial trees came around because they don't die.  The holidays extend Halloween and really get in gear from at least a week before Thanksgiving to middle of January.  Families can celebrate Christmas any time during that.  People have to plan when they can all get away to gather somewhere.


Lots of people obviously like it or they wouldn't be buying and stores would not sell if people didn't buy.


What on earth is the point of being surprised by this year after year after year?  I don't know how this is a new and surprising thing any more.

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Re: It's not even Halloween yet

Groundhog Day.

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Re: It's not even Halloween yet

This is the fifth post on the same subject.  


All in a row.


Quintuplets, perhaps?