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How cold is it where you are?   


We here in the sunny Southwest are about to freeze our tushies off.   It's supposed to be in teens at my house tonight.   It was in 30's for the high today,  and will be the same the next two days.   We had about 3" of snow Saturday night,  and much of the state got more last night. 


East Coast ladies... Please come get your cold weather. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Chicago is prety mild - high 40s, mid-50s.  I'm fine with that.  I think it's supposed to get down into the 30s by the weekend.



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I'm in the Midwest.  It was in the high 30's today.  No snow in sight and it's doubtful we'll have a white Christmas.

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I just found purple buds about to open on my lilac bush.

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Northeast and the weather has been absolutely beautiful.  It was almost 70 degrees this past weekend.  We're slated to be unseasonably;y warm for the rest of the year.

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I'm in the midwest so I will let the east coast girls come for the cold weather.  It was 62 on Sunday (bizarre).  I think it's still in the 40's and will be in the 30's this weekend (more natural for this time of year).  Supposed to warm up a little next week I am doubt I will get any Christmas snow, bummer.

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I wish I could come get that weather. Have no desire to experience what's shaping up as Christmas in July... Rainy, muggy and in the 70's here yesterday. Not a bit festive... Hohoho...

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Bay Area, Northern CA:


It's 50 where I am and will drop to 40 overnight.


It's in the 30s a little more inland.



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Tonight is supposed to be the coldest night in almost 3 years, down to 25°. With highs in the 50s, that's just plain cold for us. But up in the 70s for the weekend Smiley Happy

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Cleveland will be 55 tomorrow. Beautiful weather here all Nov and Dec.