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Re: It's 2:20 in the morning & I'm bright-eyed.....

I'll join the club.... woke up at 3 a.m.--- here in Texas....  so here I am on qvc and see this post!   Hahahahah   Have a great day everyone!!!!


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Re: It's 2:20 in the morning & I'm bright-eyed.....

Woke up at 3 a.m. here on the east coast. Very rarely sleep past 4:30 a.m. I never nap. I must admit I don't keep a late night schedule, but still wish I could sleep later. If it's not the cats waking me, it's my bladder. Time for breakfast and at first light will go out and pull weeds before the heat of the day.

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Re: It's 2:20 in the morning & I'm bright-eyed.....

I tried to stay in bed but got up at 4.  Did not sleep through most of night.  When I was working it was hard and I would panic because I knew I would be useless at work and make mistakes but now I am retired and I just go with it.  I cycle through several sleep patterns and cannot wait to get to the one where I sleep through the night.  

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Re: It's 2:20 in the morning & I'm bright-eyed.....

I’m up with pain in my stomach. Have to see a doc. Just can’t seem to get better, no matter what I try. Hope everyone has a blessed day.

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Re: It's 2:20 in the morning & I'm bright-eyed.....

A request to all who HABITUALLY wake up and have significant problems going back to sleep- PLEASE SEEK AN OPINION FROM A MEDICAL SPECIALIST, and find out why this is happening to you.


There are SERIOUS conditions related to this kind of sleep loss pattern that can be caused by or relate to it. My condition was only diagnosed because my very astute internist connected the dots and figured out what was causing my chronic habitual sleep loss.


Everyone loses a night every once in a while, but if you are finding that you’re waking up most nights and beginning to feel lousy from chronic tiredness, ASK! I’m sleeping so much better, and my overall health is reflecting the improvement. 


Take good care of this part of your health! Good sleep to EVERYONE!

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Re: It's 2:20 in the morning & I'm bright-eyed.....

Well, I'm fully up at 6:25, never did sleep.  Tossed and turned, got up and read, tried again and  after more thrashing around decided it was a waste of time. Waiting for the coffee to finish. Fed the cat before I made coffee.  She was chirping at me like she had eaten in days.  Spoiled little beast.


If I can go all day without falling over I will  probably sleep tonight.  So I tell myself.


I even took 2 melatonin last night.  Nothing, nada, zilch.


Thanks to you all for joining the middle of the night party.  As long as I'm up and will be caffinated soon I'm going to throw in the 1st load of laundry and start straightening up.  DD is going for groceries and I need to work on a list. I hate that job. Nothing sounds good and it's going to be too darn hot to cook.


Hope everyone has a good day and can sleep tonight.

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Re: It's 2:20 in the morning & I'm bright-eyed.....

@CrazyKittyLvr2 First of maybe turn the t.v. off and don't watch the news, read obits., and watch your caffeine. My sleep is off also.Blaming all 3.To start.

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Re: It's 2:20 in the morning & I'm bright-eyed.....

I’ve read the light from computer/phone/tablet can mess with sleep.  Try getting off those things a couple hours before you go to bed.


No caffeine in the evenings.  Limit beverages so you aren’t getting up a lot in the night.


The biggest thing for me is napping during the day.  If I nap, I can pretty much count on a bad night’s sleep.  Try hard not to nap during the day.


If I know I have to get up early for a commitment and I am bug-eyed, I sometimes will take an over-the-counter sleep aid.  I limit that to just occasionally, though.


Good luck to everyone in finding things that work for you.  😴





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Re: It's 2:20 in the morning & I'm bright-eyed.....

Same here - rough ride until 4:00 AM............Thursday was FULL MOON

(often affects me - so I'm a believer)

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Re: It's 2:20 in the morning & I'm bright-eyed.....

I was up too, around 3 am-5am, and finally got back until 7. Not too bad. Yeah, sleep is not smooth for me either, although DH would not appreciate me on the pad- I don’t getup, maybe I should... 

I do all the right things to promote a good nights sleep ( limit caffeine, exercise plenty, eat right, minimal napping), but I am up every day around 4am anyway, and can’t get back. 

When I need a nap during the day, I set the alarm on the pad to 30 minutes. 

Im 57, I guess aging does this? I used to sleep solid every night, all night, before the pause!  Oh well, remembering my many blessings to be grateful for...