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Re: Isn't It Strange?! (re sleep)

In Chinese medicine, there are certain windows for hours of the day/night that are linked to particular organs of the body. If you're regularly waking at a certain time, that's an indication that that body organ/function may be weak and needs support.

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Re: Isn't It Strange?! (re sleep)


@haddon9 wrote:

@on the bay I'm exactly the same way! 


Here it is (4 am) and I've been up for about an hour now.  I fell asleep  around 10pm and slept soundly until 3.  This has been happening for a while now and I just don't now why.  It's frustrating and I would like to get at least 6-7 hours of continuous sleep!


Instead I usually sleep for 3-5 hours, I wake up and either read or go online, then I can get a bit drowsy and go back to sleep for a few more hours.

@haddon9    I do the same thing, although this is fairly recent with me. About 3am I turn on the TV , watch ABC World News, then a bit of early local news, then I go back to sleep until 7 or 8am.

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Re: Isn't It Strange?! (re sleep)

@Kachina624   It seems that this is really not uncommon as we get older.  My mother used to have sleep issues and I can remember as a teen thinking that I could sleep just about anywhere or anytime.  My how things have changed!


Doctors aways say that one should get at least six or seven hours of sleep.  I have to ask the next time that I see her if it matters if the sleep is broken up as long as it's a good quality sleep.

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Re: Isn't It Strange?! (re sleep)

I worked for many years and the last few decades I used to get up around 4:00 am. I used to wake up around 2 or 3 most nights but made myself lie in bed so at least I was "resting".


Now that I'm retired, I fall asleep as soon as I get in bed and usually can stay asleep. I subsisted on four to five hours a night for many years and now I am happy and grateful for getting several more hours of sleep. However, I'm much more active now that I'm not chained to a desk for 12 hours a day. Smiley Happy Walking, a LOT of housework and exercise seem to have helped.



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Re: Isn't It Strange?! (re sleep)

[ Edited ]

@on the bay@goldensnrbest@Kachina624


  Biphasic sleep is quite normal. It is not a medical issue. The only problem may be if you need to get up early in the morning,

to go to work.


  If you read any literature from Medieval times, " First Sleep" and "Second Sleep" is mentioned.


 In pre-Industrial times, most people went to bed when it became

dark, especially in agricultural areas. After a few  hours they would wake up, do a few things, then after a few more hours,

they returned to bed, for their "second sleep". Then they arose

at daylight, to tend to farm animals or other daily duties.


 Before the 20th century, many people did not have their own beds. They shared their beds with others. Sometimes, even with strangers at an inn.


  Things changed with the Industrial Age and electric lights.

 We have mostly been conditioned in modern times, to go to bed later, sleep 8 hours (I like 9) and get up for work or taking care of children or other responsibilities.


 I think that when we get older, and no longer have the daytime

jobs or responsibilities, we revert to what is natural sleep patterns. It was common so long ago, that 1st sleep and 2nd sleep, is mostly an unknown sleep pattern today.


  Studies have been done on this and it is natural and common.

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Re: Isn't It Strange?! (re sleep)


That is so interesting and encouraging!

Thank you for that!

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Isn't It Strange?! (re sleep)

[ Edited ]

@Kachina624 @goldensrbest 

@on the bay   You are welcome. Years ago, I hear about 1st sleep and 2nd sleep. I'm such a research nerd that I had to look it up on the internet.


  Recently, I read that there have been sleep studies on biphasic sleep. It is normal.


 Another fun fact: I read a long time ago about people sharing beds. (And that was when bed bugs and body lice were very common and bathing, not so common.) We are so spoiled by many comforts and take them for

granted. People were not always this prosperous, even in USA.


 Now, every child expects to have their own room. Anyway, I

read about Abraham Lincoln sharing his bed with a friend who

came to visit. Now, we would think that to be odd and raise an

eyebrow, in today's world. It was common practice back then.


 Sharing a bed, as an adult, with a male friend did not mean that someone had any prurient ideas or was attracted to males..

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Re: Isn't It Strange?! (re sleep)

@Biftu I am exactly the same!



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Re: Isn't It Strange?! (re sleep)

My bedroom is cool, dark, and perfect for sleeping.  I get in bed, flip over on my stomach, and my husband says I'm asleep within 3 minutes at most.  


I will sleep soundly as long as my husband stays in bed, but he is up and down at least twice every night.  If I wake up and hear him in the kitchen or moving around, I know he's okay and I'll fall asleep quickly.  If I don't hear him, I get out of bed to go check on him, and then go back to bed.  


When I get out of bed 1-2x a night, I am not in the best of shape that day; a lazy day at home is great, but if we have a VA appt, I will get us there and back, but it's a given I will fall asleep in my recliner after we eat.  I do not normally nap during the day unless I'm sick.  


This time of year I'm in storm alert mode when trucker daughter is driving thru severe weather situations.  More than once she has sent texts during the night that send me running to the TV to get updates from the Weather Channel and send pictures and updates as to what is around her, or headed her way.  

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Re: Isn't It Strange?! (re sleep)

Very strange.......


I seem to awaken at 2:30 am, watch TV for a couple / few hours, then back to sleep until around 9am.  


My mom used to tell folks that she didn't sleep much at all, and I'd tell them that if she wasn't sleeping as she said, she wouldn't 'be here'.


Well, guess what!  After all of these past  years, I'm doing the exact same. 


Only I watch TV, and even have a sandwich (which helps) before falling back to sleep.



'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).