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🚫Is your birthday on Facebook? That's a bad idea.🚫

[ Edited ]


In case some people didnt know this

(we can't be too careful imho):










July 6 th 2016 — "You've probably heard that what you share on Facebook can come back to haunt you, but there are more dangers associated with your online activity than you probably even realize.


Maybe you don't share your Social Security number on your Facebook profile, but many people do share things like their birthday and photos of their new home.


It may seem harmless, but every little piece of information out there puts criminals one step closer to having what they need to steal your identity, your money and do even more long-term damage to your financial life.


So if you want to avoid inviting criminals into your life, here are a few things you should never share on social media:


• birthday
• home address
• phone number
• mother's maiden name
• Social Security number"


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Re: 🚫Is your birthday on Facebook? That's a bad idea.🚫

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How would these criminals see such things? You would have to accept them as your friends on facebook for them to know all this.

Anyone who collects friends on facebook is  naive and or stupid to share photos and other details with total strangers.

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Re: 🚫Is your birthday on Facebook? That's a bad idea.🚫

@justmyopinion wrote:

How would these criminals see such things? You would have to accept them as your friends on facebook for them to know all this.

Anyone who collects friends on facebook are naive and or stupid to share photos and other details with personal strangers.


For one thing I think people dont learn to

set their settings. And then friends of friends 

can see things. And they're not thinking their friends

might let every Tom Duck and Harry 

be a friend. I hope everybody will be





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Re: 🚫Is your birthday on Facebook? That's a bad idea.🚫

Oh well, guess I'm living on the edge.

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Re: 🚫Is your birthday on Facebook? That's a bad idea.🚫

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

Oh well, guess I'm living on the edge.


Lol! Oh well. Sometimes the edge is fun!


Have a nice night!😊


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Re: 🚫Is your birthday on Facebook? That's a bad idea.🚫

[ Edited ]

I can't even conceive of someone SO that they would list their SS#, home address & phone #, mother's maiden name(!) or complete birthdate with year online in *any* social media.


And if they do so *without* knowing what they are doing, security-wise, I have to say that whatever might befall them for doing so, I can't feel that sorry for them.


Sorry - I'm sure you mean well and I don't mean to be rude, but if people don't already know these things just from common sense, before someone needs to tell them, it's hopeless.

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Re: 🚫Is your birthday on Facebook? That's a bad idea.🚫

Has anyone ever visited CNN, Fox and other news network facebook pages? Grown adults fighting like cats and dogs, making inflammatory, hateful and nasty comments to each other and about others, they're all discussing current events and political things,using their real first and last names, with their friends list exposed for all to see (and unfortunately if you are their friend or relative, your profile can be found because they're too dumb to hide their friends lists) and their photo albums are not set to private, photos of their kids and grandkids are viewable. Their place of employment exposed, including home town, etc. It's amazing that they are so stupid to spew like that completely putting their job and their families at risk. They can attract enemies and risk being stalked all because they don't know how to set their privacy controls! Morons. I think to myself they are more concerned with yelling and screaming about politics than protecting their families from the thousands of people reading their hate-filled posts.

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Re: 🚫Is your birthday on Facebook? That's a bad idea.🚫

No one can be identified from a birthday.  Not if you omit the year. There millions of people born in the month, on the same day.  You aren't likely to risk identification usisin the year.  But, op, you are missing the whole point of FB.  People post because they want people know who they are.  They want to let the world know about pro options, weddings, vacations, new babies yada yada yada.  Give people some credit.  No one posts SSNs,  mother's maiden names and addresses.  Although they do post towns sometimes.  They aren't hiding from anyone and I think most understand the risks but they accept those risks because for them, the benefits outweigh the risks.  If someone is looking for an old boyfriend or a long lost cousin, how the heck are they going to do that without giving out personal information?  No one participates in FB because they want to be anonymous.  It's an election year and most of that information is readily available on voter registration forms.  Its also in your city registry, in your medical records, on credit card applications, school records.  The list is endless.  No one needs FB to find out anything they want about any of us.







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Re: 🚫Is your birthday on Facebook? That's a bad idea.🚫

[ Edited ]


It's the birth DATE that's a problem.

I see them all the time with the actual

YEAR and


Even without the SSN all the other

pieces of info set us up for trouble.


I hope maybe the article will make a few

people think about it.

 Plus comments like all of you posted here,

maybe a

few posters will check their info 

or settings. Hey if it helps one person

thats GREAT!


Im not missing the point of Facebook lol!

Ive located old friends without all the details

like birthdate year, street address, phone #, etc,

I think some people are too trusting on

Facebook. And so do people who

wrote the articles I guess.


Thanks for for the posts.😊



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Re: 🚫Is your birthday on Facebook? That's a bad idea.🚫

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

Oh well, guess I'm living on the edge.


And we know where you live Smiley Happy