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Is the holiday spirit rushed?

Is it just me or in the last few years Christmas has started earlier and earlier in the season. It's like one day it's Halloween and skip right to Christmas and all. I love Christmas and decorating and shopping for gifts, but it seems so rushed now. They've even started playing Christmas music on the radios that would only come on right after Thanksgiving Day. I realize people are caught up in work and have to make time to do everything when they can, but it seems all so frantic where the season should be enjoyed and taken a little more slower to savor all of it's warmth and magic, it's supposed to bring. And the retailers seem to jam one holiday into another without a breather. Then they wonder how they have all this seasonal holiday stuff left over and try to get rid of it to make way for the next holiday. I won't be surprised to see Valentine's Day stuff out in December. I plan to make Christmas a time to go slower and not get caught up in all the madness, and do Christmas in a more enjoyable way, and mostly without all the stress, so many people seem to be caught in now a days. Cause how can one truly celebrate in the holiday spirit?

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Re: Is the holiday spirit rushed?

Yes, blame it on retailers. Times are tough for retailers and they start the Christmas Shopping season earlier and earlier every year. People just follow the lead of retailers. And now we have people talking Christmas before Halloween has come and sadly Thanksgiving is an after though for many.

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Re: Is the holiday spirit rushed?

Since there are only 4 weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the retailers try to pack in as much 'holiday spirit' as they can. This means that gifts and decorations start making their appearance in the stores on November 1st. Hope you enjoy your slowed down holiday season.

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Re: Is the holiday spirit rushed?

Brick and mortar stores have to compete with on-line retailers now. I think that also plays in to the ""rush"". They are competing for the consumer dollar.

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Re: Is the holiday spirit rushed?

On 11/11/2014 Plaid Pants said:

Brick and mortar stores have to compete with on-line retailers now. I think that also plays in to the ""rush"". They are competing for the consumer dollar.

Exactly well stated Plaid Pants.

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Re: Is the holiday spirit rushed?

not for me. i don't start until i get ready. you celebrate the holiday's and what it means to you. nobody can change that unless you give them the power to.

you already answered your question perfectly - how can one truly celebrate in the holiday spirit??

I plan to make Christmas a time to go slower and not get caught up in all the madness, and do Christmas in a more enjoyable way, and mostly without all the stress.{#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

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Re: Is the holiday spirit rushed?

Retail businesses try to make every possible attempt to separate you from your money as early as they can. However, just because the stores are pushing the holiday up and up does not mean you have to do the same. I enjoy having my Christmas shopping done and over with before everything gets all crowded - but if you like the whole experience of the Christmas season - then your certainly free to wait and shop in the crowds after Thanksgiving. you are certainly free to make your personal holidays however, and whenever you please.

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Re: Is the holiday spirit rushed?

On 11/11/2014 shesallthat said:

not for me. i don't start until i get ready. you celebrate the holiday's and what it means to you. nobody can change that unless you give them the power to.

you already answered your question perfectly - how can one truly celebrate in the holiday spirit??

I plan to make Christmas a time to go slower and not get caught up in all the madness, and do Christmas in a more enjoyable way, and mostly without all the stress.{#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

What she said!

I find it all pretty easy to ignore when it starts in July and runs through the rest of the year. I'm not really into christmas all that much, so I just carry on with life as usual.

For me, probably, the worst of it is the incessant threads here complaining about it. It starts every July and runs through the year. I don't enjoy all the stuff either, but I do know that it won't change anything for me to be constantly complaining about it. All that would do is make me negative and unhappy. Life is hard enough for some of us, so there's no point in making it more difficult and pointing energy in a negative direction.

If people stopped purchasing from retailers who do this stuff, THAT is what it would take to change anything. But I think we all know that's not going to happen. I see this as one of those things that has gained so much momentum that it won't change back any time in our lifetimes, and probably not ever. I don't care either way, but just do what makes you happy and don't participate in the rest. Smiley Happy

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Re: Is the holiday spirit rushed?

I like your way of thinking "shesallthat", and hope that others can do the same for their holidays. Have a wonderful peaceful holiday season! Smiley Happy

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Re: Is the holiday spirit rushed?

The more time I have to prepare for Christmas, Thanksgiving, any holiday the more leisurely I can do my shopping, decorating, whatever and get the benefit of spreading the spending over a longer period of time so I can go into the holiday not only stress free but also debt free.