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Is red meat OK to eat or not? Scientists uncertain

This info is appearing  in different stories  all over the internet and in daily newspapers.


  Seems to me scientists like to study dietary issues and then always cite some degree of unreliability due to people not being studied  long enough, or not reporting accurately about their daily diets, or whatever.

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Re: Is red meat OK to eat or not? Scientists uncertain

I saw the recent news reports....I am so  tired of the 'experts' telling me what is safe or not safe to eat.  Everything in moderation....first you should/could not eat eggs, now we can eat eggs, then don't eat beef, now we can eat beef.  I never listen, I eat what I want to eat.

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Re: Is red meat OK to eat or not? Scientists uncertain

Everything in moderation.  These "scientists" change their minds every few months.First something is not good for you then a year later it is. I eat red meat once a week.  

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Re: Is red meat OK to eat or not? Scientists uncertain

I'm sure this story will be beaten to death in media nationwide before it's replaced by  yet another salvo in the food controversy.  


Maybe we should take the hint from scientists themselves...... even they acknowledge that .people will tune out all types of nutrition advice if the goalposts keep moving.


I'm just  going to stick with what has been working for me so far. 



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Re: Is red meat OK to eat or not? Scientists uncertain

If red meat were not okay to eat, wouldn't the world's population be much smaller than it is?


I think so -  and I think that means red meat is okay to eat.


That doesn't mean every body can tolerate it, that doesn't mean everyone can eat red meat in quantity and suffer no ill effects,  that doesn't mean the way the meat is prepared doesn't make a difference,  In other words, there's no one perfect answer.


One red meat issue that has been on my mind recenly is thvegetable e effect on our environment from the carbon released into the air from cattle.  For those of us looking for ways to protect a future for our families, one contribution is to eat less red meat.  Changing just one meal a week from meat to plant can eliminate sigificant carbon.



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Re: Is red meat OK to eat or not? Scientists uncertain

I watch my carbs, and everything that isn't a carb, I eat in moderation..Protein is good it contains no carbs

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Re: Is red meat OK to eat or not? Scientists uncertain

My head spins trying to figure out what is and what is not good for me.  I try to eat that which does not raise my blood pressure (i.e., salt/sodium products); pork which gives me belly pain; rare beef which is difficult to swallow/digest; boiled eggs same as rare beef as well and bread. 


I avoid those things that give me clear and present danger.  Otherwise, I would need to keep my head in the news daily about whether eggs, butter, coffee, wine, etc., are the magic bullet or if they are going to kill me.

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Re: Is red meat OK to eat or not? Scientists uncertain

I don’t think there is one diet that has been proven to be best for everyone. In my opinion, If there is one, it would have been documented by now. And I mean years of clinical trials.

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Re: Is red meat OK to eat or not? Scientists uncertain

Here we go again. Woman LOL

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Re: Is red meat OK to eat or not? Scientists uncertain

@novamc1 First, I never click on links from strangers.

Second, I've eaten red meat all my life and DO NOT plan to stop.