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I think so...and may it have a decent burial.


With internet shopping (including here) , pre-Thanksgiving sales, Cyber Monday, etc.

that one crazy day of shopping may have finally run it's course.


I think we are having a backlash from when retailers started opening on Thanksgiving.


I'm happy to see that more and more decided this year to buck that silly trend.

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I think it's probably been over for about a decade now, and becomes less important due to the improvement in internet sales this weekend.

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@terrier3 wrote:


I think we are having a backlash from when retailers started opening on Thanksgiving.


I'm happy to see that more and more decided this year to buck that silly trend.

I don't think it's a backlash.  It's just that the hours are more spread out now with sales beginning on Thanksgiving Day (if not before) so the crowds have somewhat thinned out on BF.  Not fewer people shopping, just shopping during more hours so the crowds aren't as bad.

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Saving money is not a 'silly trend' nor is there any 'backlash' against stores that are open on Thanksgiving.  We had plenty of customers on that day......

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I don't think that it'll have the same frenzy that it once did, but I think that it be around for awhile yet.


I can see a time, in the not so distant future, where it'll be just another day to shop, but with "extra special sales".


In other words, I can see more stores being open on turkey day.


Personally, it doesn't bother me that stores are open on turkey day.


It's just another Thursday to me.


And if *I* feel that way, then I know that there are others who do too.


Meaning, I'm not all alone in feeling that way.

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@SydneyH wrote:

Saving money is not a 'silly trend' nor is there any 'backlash' against stores that are open on Thanksgiving.  We had plenty of customers on that day......

Saving money isn't confined to that one day. In fact, it's be proven by consumer experts that Black Friday sales aren't all that great anymore.


Why do you think so many stores that were open in previous years closed this year instead? I think it was because they know it's better for their business to allow their employees time to relax and give home.

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Businesses don't care about their employees.  They care about profit. 



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@SydneyH wrote:

Saving money is not a 'silly trend' nor is there any 'backlash' against stores that are open on Thanksgiving.  We had plenty of customers on that day......


Terrier didn't say that saving money is a "silly trend".  Now there are more ways to save money, spread out over many days, than what used to be colossal sales on Black Friday. Costco even had a pre-holiday sale the week before Black Friday. If I could pick up what I wanted then, rather than on Black Friday, I would and did.


A couple of friends braved the stores yesterday and said they weren't as bad as last year. That doesn't mean total sales were down but it may mean shoppers had already taken advantage of previous sales.


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@brii wrote:

Businesses don't care about their employees.  They care about profit. 



I don't know about that, Brii. Costco has famously refused to be open on Thanksgiving. There have been a few others that advertise that they will be closed so that their employees can spend the time with their families.



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Registered: ‎03-14-2015

Re: Is "Black Friday" dead?

[ Edited ]

I think that in the not too distant future, more stores will be open on turkey day, and fewer and fewer stores will be closed.


I also predict that *gasp! horror of horrors!* stores will even be open (limited hours) on x-mas.



If stores really "cared" for their employees, they would pay them a decent living wage.