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Re: Is it just too soon?

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@RedTop wrote:
My opinion is that it is definitely too soon to open many businesses that draws crowds of people.

Salons usually have set appts, so I could see them reopening with cautious limitations; adjusting appts to prevent multiple customers in the shop at the same time. Money can be made, but it won't be business as usual just yet.

WV is still weeks away from our peak. I feel our Governor has lost a lot of sleep during this last month, but his concern for the people here has been obvious with his cautious decisions. I respect him for the clear, and wise decisions he's made.

Leaving anything up to people's "good" judgment or common sense is a huge mistake; there needs to be a clear, set order in place that applies to all.

ITA.  My thinking is...I will know when I get there.  Too  many unknowns, too many variables. Too many combinations of variables.  No one knows what will happen tomorrow, day after.  Etc.  There is world of difference between "staying home forever" and waiting to see where we are at as we move forward...states, countries.  

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No, it's time to get back to living and life.  Just make smart choices for your own self and don't worry about the choices others are making.

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@piperbay wrote:

A few weeks ago the Mayor of Chicago got her hair cut because she said she needed it done. She said we were both wearing masks and gloves.  She seems to have survived it. 

Most of these people that have political positions or famous....they are getting their hair cut and colored.  I see NO out growth on any of these TV ladies doing the news (local or cable)...they look like they just had it done and it's been at least 6wks for them.  



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I'm sure they are not going to a regular salon like the majority of people do.  They probably have their own personal stylist who comes to their home.  Just guessing.

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Everyone has to do what is "RIGHT" For them.  I have a favorite saying.....a time comes when YOU have to make an EXECUTIVE DECISION FOR YOU!!


Whether the president, governor, mayor, a celebrity, the man down the street, the doctor at XYZ hospital....says.....Sun....It's time to go back to the stores or to work.....I have to MAKE an executive decision that is BEST for ME!!!. 


One has to consider "THEIR" health, the health of the people they live with, their needs, their financial situation, etc...


If your health is questionable, if you have any of the medical concerns listed by the CDC, if you are in certain might need to think twice.


All those things play a role.


I will be wearing a mask for a long time probably..... one of the last ones to take if off due to my health and other issues...


I won't be going to stores to just get out the house, I will go out to necessary stores but the browsing around will be limited for a good long time.

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No matter how careful you are you need to be concerned about what others are doing because this virus is so contagious and can be spread so easily from people that have no symptoms.  

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If you get sick or you sicken a family member, these shops aren't going to do a thing for you. So you really have to protect yourself. Don't just trust that other people know what they are doing. Be very smart about what you do.


What concerns me is that if there is a huge spike soon or in the Fall, none of these people who are agitating to open early will be willing to close again. They will stay open no matter what. And the same governors and mayors who are allowing early opening without adequete testing will allow them to stay open.


This is the level of precautions being taken at a Georgia barbershop right now. They are not following the recommendations from their state task force. You will be around others who are also not taking precautions. Pay attention to what you are walking into.





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"will bankrupt the country"


             ***MY PERSONAL OPINION***


Proproganda statement which the powers that be says from time to time.

This country can never go bankrupt as long as "paper money" & "mint" machines are kept well oiled.  Where do you think all this stimulus $$$$ is coming from?



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I live in Georgia, my stylist is open and my personal opinion is...

it's too soon- I have an appointment May 5th and won't be going.. Will make another one for June because we're supposed to go to Disney (we had to cancel the one from April) so we shall see.  I am not comfortable with so many people being outn'about without masks & etc..


I'll wear my ballcap to cover my abbynormal roots LOL but yes it is just too soon...

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Your sentence with "good judgement" really resonated with me.


Have you been as blown away as I by people who haven't followed the safety guide lines?  I couldn't believe parents with young children, especially!  Lack of common sense (which, of course, can be very relative) seems to have just left the planet in so many ways!