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Is it just too soon?

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Today, many retailers have opened up again in our state. No way will I go into a salon for a haircut but they will be opening soon.  Retailers can deliver your purchases to your car but you can't go inside the stores. You must order on the phone or online. Sounds just like grocery pickup I have been doing.  What happens now when you order a piece of clothing, take it home, try it on, and need to return it? I don't want any clothing worn by someone else...especially right now. Gyms are now open too. How can you possibly keep the equipment sanitized? Or stay the proper distance from others in a gym ? I just think it's too soon for any of this. What do you think? Should everything just open back up to save the economy and those who get the virus just deal with it? 

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@lovesrecess  I will trust the governors and mayors in the US to get it right according to the conditions in their areas.  If we wait for the OK from Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, we'll be waiting forever with no hope of restoring our country, and we'll have people on a perpetual government dole that will bankrupt the country.  What is going on now is not sustainable.  We have to move forward.

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A few weeks ago the Mayor of Chicago got her hair cut because she said she needed it done. She said we were both wearing masks and gloves.  She seems to have survived it. 

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I wish states or the feds would put out some protocols for businesses to follow before opening up...most store owners and governors have no clue what to do other than washing your hands. Desperation to get your lsmall store open and selling again could lead to many getting sick. I would hate for that to happen.
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@Cats3000 wrote:

@lovesrecess  I will trust the governors and mayors in the US to get it right according to the conditions in their areas.  If we wait for the OK from Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, we'll be waiting forever with no hope of restoring our country, and we'll have people on a perpetual government dole that will bankrupt the country.  What is going on now is not sustainable.  We have to move forward.

I live in Georgia. Trust level is zero.  

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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@gidgetgh Trust level in who?  Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, local health officials, everyone?

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Cleaning will go on quite a while, as it does in flu season.  Service people will continue to work with masks for quite some time.  They don't want to get infected either and have families to protect.

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There will be people who won't leave their homes until the world, or at least, their portion of it, is perfect, or as close to it as possible.


They won't leave until a vaccine has been perfected, which may be years, if ever.


They won't leave their homes until there is zero risk of transmission.



Meanwhile, the rest of us will go on with our lives.


We will go to the dentist.


We will go the salon.



Because all businesses want to succeed and to thrive.



Nobody opens a business and says, "Gee, I hope that I fail!"





Businesses will do whatever it takes to attract and keep customers , which means taking the necessary precautions of cleaning in between customers.


Word of mouth is a very powerful tool, and word will quickly get around as to which businesses are taking proper precautions, and which ones aren't.


And those businesses that don't take the proper precautions, won't attract customers, and won't make enough money to stay open, and therefore, go under.


So, it's in a business best interest to follow safety protocols.

The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
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My opinion is that it is definitely too soon to open many businesses that draws crowds of people.

Salons usually have set appts, so I could see them reopening with cautious limitations; adjusting appts to prevent multiple customers in the shop at the same time. Money can be made, but it won't be business as usual just yet.

WV is still weeks away from our peak. I feel our Governor has lost a lot of sleep during this last month, but his concern for the people here has been obvious with his cautious decisions. I respect him for the clear, and wise decisions he's made.

Leaving anything up to people's "good" judgment or common sense is a huge mistake; there needs to be a clear, set order in place that applies to all.
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For me, it is too soon. My elderly father told me yesterday, that he is staying in for quite a while longer, no matter who says what. He has copd and congestive heart failure. 

I would love to go out, am so bored at times, but I just can't chance it. I still take things to my parents sometimes, but I stay at least 6 ft away. Nothing is worth me taking covid to them unknowingly. 


This sickness scares me to death, so many have apparantly been carriers and not known. It just makes no sense how it can kill some and others have no syptoms.