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Re: Is anyone else living in "Gloomsville"?

I love thunderstorms too. Can't wait until we have a good one. Last year I think I heard some rumbling twice. I even have an old vinyl record of a thunderstorm. 


I like the cozy feeling of warm sweaters and the fireplace too, but since we had 40" of snow in the last two weeks, I'm ready for spring. Our forecast for Friday is an inch of snow. Bleh!

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~~ Steve Maraboli
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Re: Is anyone else living in "Gloomsville"?

We have beautiful sunshine today finally. It is hard to have motivation when the days are gloomy day after day!

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Re: Is anyone else living in "Gloomsville"?

We've had rain in W NC and some flooding.  


I make hot peach or orange tea and play music.  Lovely!Smiley Happy

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Re: Is anyone else living in "Gloomsville"?

and we'll have sun, sun, sun till her daddy takes her T-bird know that song!! Think positive.

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Re: Is anyone else living in "Gloomsville"?

@Sue98 wrote:

I sure am!  We had 3 sunny days in a row, and that was it for sunshine.  Smiley Sad  I cannot deal with day after day of cold, gloomy weather!  It really affects my mood, my energy, and my overall state of mind.


I need more sunshine!!!!!  Anybody else?

That’s why I am in Arizona. Beautiful weather. I get so depressed in all the gloom.