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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

@occasionalrain wrote:


@itiswhatitis wrote:

@occasionalrain wrote:

@Daisy wrote:

I wouldn't care what the neighbors think...If we wanted to we would. Especially if they paid well. I'm sure the neighbors would do the same.


If they claim that they'd be inconvenienced, they're probably just jealous that their house wasn't chosen...and that you're getting paid and they're not.


You might get mixed reactions, but I wouldn't even pretend to care what they think.


Hopefully, they'd be excited about it, too. It would probably be interesting/fun to watch.


I'm thankful you aren't my neighbor. However, if you were and created a nuisance for me you would find yourself with a law suit. 

@occasionalrain, it would be summarily thrown out of court.

Really? How do you know this; are you an attorney, a judge? Do you feel somehow that in a neighborhood zoned residential neighbors should tolerate a business operation next door and be prevented from enjoying the peace and privacy for which they pay taxes?

@occasionalrain, really!  I say this because it is one day of inconvenience that would be no more or less than a large utility having to come in and do work.  Our a major roadway project.  Would you begin a lawsuit if this were true?  Keep in mind that this work would be time consuming and ongoing.  You wouldn't get anywhere with a court in that regard either.


The governing authority in whatever jurisdiction you live in probably approves these things for their jurisdiction.  It brings in revenue.


You have rights, but so does the homeowner who is using his/her residence.  One day of shooting for a film won't win you a thing in court.  

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

@PurpleBunny wrote:



Oooh fascinating. Does your home have a particular curb appeal?

@PurpleBunny, I think it does, but that's not what they're looking for necessarily.  They want housing that fits the theme of the show realistically.

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

Prime Real Estate in NYC was severely limited (noise, dust, etc.) for the building of a new subway line and this went on for years.  No one sued anyone.  Project is complete.

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

While utility work and road construction is an inconvenience the result benefits everyone. The only one benefitting from this production is the neighbor. Additionally, residential streets are not meant for all these trucks, trailers, and traffic. The damage to sewers may not show up until later and by then the production company could no longer be proved responsible. 

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

@occasionalrain wrote:

While utility work and road construction is an inconvenience the result benefits everyone. The only one benefitting from this production is the neighbor. Additionally, residential streets are not meant for all these trucks, trailers, and traffic. The damage to sewers may not show up until later and by then the production company could no longer be proved responsible. 

@occasionalrain, they operate within the purview of the laws and regulations for said activity.  They must acquire permits, likely a government official would ensure this.  


Where I live, there is no way damage to a sewer line can be caused by a film crew.  Localities make sure of that.  Even so, don't you at least think that the locality would know how to get them to pay?


You don't have more rights than your neighbors.  Your neighbor has a right to enjoy the benefits of his/her home within reason.  You would have no lawsuit.  Where I live there is a local office under the purview of the Mayor that monitors and controlls all of this.  I'm sure where you live their are regulations for this as well (set by your own voting) ability.


Yes, roadway projects are for the greater good.  However one day of filming and generating revenue for a locality can also be seen as the "greater good."  They can't come in and set up shop without paying something for it.

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

When they film in my town, all the trucks (sometimes tractor trailers) are directed to one of the church parking lots depending how many trucks. Signs are put up on pertinent streets indicating food, costumes, etc.etc. so everyone knows what's going on. 


It it all seems to be very organized so there is as little disruption as possible. Sometimes they are in town painting and changing some of the store fronts. Other times they use individual houses and use black paper over the windows to keep the light out.

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

@Daisy wrote:

@occasionalrain wrote:

I'm thankful you aren't my neighbor. However, if you were and created a nuisance for me you would find yourself with a law suit. 


Don't you think the production company gets the necessary approval, permits, etc.? And why would you sue your neighbor, not the production company?


It would really bother you that much that you would feel the need to sue a neighbor over something like that? Wow. Nice neighbor. I would think that some might find it a little interesting or fun. 

I agree @Daisy Sunflower. I mean if we are talking only one day or even a couple of days I do not think that is such a big deal. I also agree and think most in the neighborhood would find it interesting. I would not automatically assume it would be a negative experiene.


Before I moved into my current home John Edwards lived on the street I now do. When Kerry picked him as his running mate my neighbors said our entire street  (and it is a long one) was blocked off and you could only get through if you lived on the street and had to have your ID with you to get back onto the street. My neighbor once ran up to get some milk and didn't bring her purse with her, just cash. When she was driving back she realized she forgot that and she had to wait for her husband to walk it down for her. I could see that being a real pain. 


They told me initially everyone was fairly excited but a few days into it, they hated it. She did say that his wife Elizabeth had gotten every single neighbor lovely gift baskets to apologize for the inconvenience and went to each house herself to hand them out. The entire neighborhood just loved her so much, not for that reason though (though it didn't hurt) and I have never heard anyone in Raleigh that had a negative opinion of her at all. She was loved even before his infidelities came out and people sympathized with her. Everyone says she was a lovely human being. Such a shame.

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

@itiswhatitis my town had scenes from a major movie shot here and they left the main areas where they shot, better than they originally were. They came in like worker ants and completely renovated certain areas.  AND the star spent a lot of time with the locals and signed autographs and took pictures, etc. 

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

@wildlifewitch wrote:

@itiswhatitis wrote:

I just spoke to the Location Scout.  We have arranged for her to visit on Sunday!  My neighbor across the way has discussed this with them already.


Wish me luck y'all...........Woman Very HappySmiley LOL


Be sure you are covered in the contract, in terms of any damage, payment etc.

@wildlifewitch, Yeah I know.  I don't even have a Doctorette.

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

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