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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

@reiki604 wrote:

@BklynKinsey wrote:

I live in Brooklyn, NY.  Several neighbors on my block have had TV/movie shooting done in their homes.  For some it was just one day, for others several days (they had to move out).  They were paid anywhere from $4,000 and up depending on the length of the shoot.  They bring in tons of equipment and huge trailers.  The block is pretty much closed off.  Surrounding neighbors can't park their cars on the block.  People are becoming a little tired of the inconvenience, especially since only that one homeowner is being compensated.  About two weeks ago, they were scouting locations again on my street and I spoke with two of the reps.  One came into my home but said it was too nice for what they were looking for!!!

I have a close friend who lives in the Park Slope area in Brooklyn and there is frequent filming there because of the magnificent brownstones there. It really inconveniences the neighborhood. Many of the outdoor scenes in Madame Secretary have been filmed there. I always wondered why they couldn't use Georgetown in D.C. Where it's supposed to take place.


On the TV show Gotham, an old hospital on Staten Island is used as the Arkham Asylum.

@reiki604, then they'd be inconveniencing the Georgetown residents.  Either way there will be some inconvenience.  Considering where I live, I'm amazed more filming isn't done here.  I try to think of the local jobs and shops that could benefit for these short term stays.

*Call Tyrone*
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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

@noodleann wrote:

Before seriously considering this, I would check two things:


1, my own home insurance. I'd meet with my insurance agent to discuss this and see whether my own policy covered this use or whether I could buy a separate policy to cover the event.


2, I'd get a copy of the filiming/production company insurance policy. I would ask my insurance agent to go over it to make sure it would cover every single possible problem, from damage to theft.  I would hope that the contract would stipulate the property be immediately restored to its pre-shooting condition, inside and out. You'd probably have to take extensive photos to document the conditions and property before they start. And make sure the policy is current and verify the coverage amounts.


I'd also remove all valuables, starting with things like jewelry, silverware, artwork, sculpture and objets d'art and anything easily pocketed or removed and store them in a separate, secure location (not the house).


Frankly, given the horror stories I"ve read about what can happen, I wouldn't do it.

I haven't read any horror stories @noodleann.  This is a big part of the entertainment industry.  "Sets" are no longer used like back in the day.  They shoot on site.

*Call Tyrone*
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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

@dex wrote:

 We had a opportunity to get paid 20,000 for a golfer to stay a week in our home during the USA open.We turned it down because we had to move our personal effects and hire a cleaning service.I thought about it for a minute.

Somehow, I think this is different @dex.  That is what people typically do during this time and make extra money.  People can rent their homes and make out well.

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

@Daisy wrote:

I wouldn't care what the neighbors think...If we wanted to we would. Especially if they paid well. I'm sure the neighbors would do the same.


If they claim that they'd be inconvenienced, they're probably just jealous that their house wasn't chosen...and that you're getting paid and they're not.


You might get mixed reactions, but I wouldn't even pretend to care what they think.


Hopefully, they'd be excited about it, too. It would probably be interesting/fun to watch.


I'm thankful you aren't my neighbor. However, if you were and created a nuisance for me you would find yourself with a law suit. 

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

@occasionalrain wrote:

@Daisy wrote:

I wouldn't care what the neighbors think...If we wanted to we would. Especially if they paid well. I'm sure the neighbors would do the same.


If they claim that they'd be inconvenienced, they're probably just jealous that their house wasn't chosen...and that you're getting paid and they're not.


You might get mixed reactions, but I wouldn't even pretend to care what they think.


Hopefully, they'd be excited about it, too. It would probably be interesting/fun to watch.


I'm thankful you aren't my neighbor. However, if you were and created a nuisance for me you would find yourself with a law suit. 

@occasionalrain, it would be summarily thrown out of court.

*Call Tyrone*
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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

@itiswhatitis wrote:

@occasionalrain wrote:

@Daisy wrote:

I wouldn't care what the neighbors think...If we wanted to we would. Especially if they paid well. I'm sure the neighbors would do the same.


If they claim that they'd be inconvenienced, they're probably just jealous that their house wasn't chosen...and that you're getting paid and they're not.


You might get mixed reactions, but I wouldn't even pretend to care what they think.


Hopefully, they'd be excited about it, too. It would probably be interesting/fun to watch.


I'm thankful you aren't my neighbor. However, if you were and created a nuisance for me you would find yourself with a law suit. 

@occasionalrain, it would be summarily thrown out of court.

Really? How do you know this; are you an attorney, a judge? Do you feel somehow that in a neighborhood zoned residential neighbors should tolerate a business operation next door and be prevented from enjoying the peace and privacy for which they pay taxes?

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

The remake of "That Darn Cat" was filmed in my area some years ago. It didn't affect me at all, but when I watched the movie (which wasn't very good) I was so distracted by all the familiar locations that I couldn't concentrate on the story!


My SIL lived in the town where the "in the Heat of the Night" series was filmed...of course it went on for years! She was an extra several times, and even dated one of the writers for awhile. The funniest thing, though, was when my MIL was visiting, she offered to take the kids to school and pick them up one day. The elementary school had the correct name in the morning, but when she went to pick them up it had the name of the middle school from the series...really confused my MIL for a few minutes!

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!



Oooh fascinating. Does your home have a particular curb appeal?

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

@occasionalrain wrote:

I'm thankful you aren't my neighbor. However, if you were and created a nuisance for me you would find yourself with a law suit. 


Don't you think the production company gets the necessary approval, permits, etc.? And why would you sue your neighbor, not the production company?


It would really bother you that much that you would feel the need to sue a neighbor over something like that? Wow. Nice neighbor. I would think that some might find it a little interesting or fun. 

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

It might be interesting/fun to watch a production at a business or in a commercial area. It would not be fun to have hoards of strangers milling about next door, blocking your driveway, or the concern once they left that one or more may return with criminal intent. People choose to live in residential zoned neighborhoods to avoid what a selfish neighbor feels entitled to impose upon them.