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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!,

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!,

I grew up in NJ: a suburban NYC town that has beautiful, large, classic homes on the main avenues. Many a movie, TV show and commercial has been filmed there. 

Our family home was never in danger of one being selected, LOL!

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

They usually do a significant amount of damage and don’t care.  There are tons of people on theses crews coming & going, they haul in all kinds of equipment that can hit the woodwork, scratch the floors, and break things.  It sounds more fun than it really is…I would think twice before I doing something like this (actually, I would never do something like this).

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

@Havarti wrote:

They usually do a significant amount of damage and don’t care.  There are tons of people on theses crews coming & going, they haul in all kinds of equipment that can hit the woodwork, scratch the floors, and break things.  It sounds more fun than it really is…I would think twice before I doing something like this (actually, I would never do something like this).

@Havarti, if I'm chosen, I'll let everyone know how it went.  They are required to insure and there is a regulatory body in my city that ensures this.

*Call Tyrone*
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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!,

@itiswhatitis wrote:



Read about it here:

@itiswhatitis I have to say I was a tad skeptical at first but this sounds great.  I hope they pick you and please do come back and let us know as I would be very interested to hear.


I live in the suburbs of Chicago and while they would never pick my house they have done a lot of filming in the suburbs especially where I lived when I was married.  Reading the articles was always so interesting and they took great care to the point that they photographed virtually everything in order to ensure nothing was damaged or missing and as the article said sometimes upgraded.

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

@itiswhatitis  I hope you at least get an offer.  It'll be interesting to see how much they will pay you.  Everything has it's price!

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

I live in Brooklyn, NY.  Several neighbors on my block have had TV/movie shooting done in their homes.  For some it was just one day, for others several days (they had to move out).  They were paid anywhere from $4,000 and up depending on the length of the shoot.  They bring in tons of equipment and huge trailers.  The block is pretty much closed off.  Surrounding neighbors can't park their cars on the block.  People are becoming a little tired of the inconvenience, especially since only that one homeowner is being compensated.  About two weeks ago, they were scouting locations again on my street and I spoke with two of the reps.  One came into my home but said it was too nice for what they were looking for!!!

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

@ROMARY wrote:

It used to be $100-200 dollars for a (TV commercial), but that was many years ago.  They will inform you before they film.  That is, if someone else on the block didn't call them first.  I'm guessing that they probably chose  a few houses that they felt would be good backgrounds for their filming.  Also, sometimes they use a driveway to store their equipment, and for food and beverages for their crew. Filming a TV series might have a different price range.

It has to be a lot more than $100 - $200.


Back in the late 1970s we were paid $200 to be extras in a commercial.  It was for a bank and it had a bride and groom coming out of a church. The extras threw rice at them.


We'd been to a wedding the week before and some of the guests were asked if they wanted to be in the commercial.  We were told to wear the clothes we wore to the wedding.

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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

I just spoke to the Location Scout.  We have arranged for her to visit on Sunday!  My neighbor across the way has discussed this with them already.


Wish me luck y'all...........Woman Very HappySmiley LOL

*Call Tyrone*
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Re: Interesting Flyer left in my mailbox!

@itiswhatitis This is a story to tell the grandchildren some day.  Wow what a once in a lifetime chance.  As long as they treat your home like the palace that it is.  Good Luck and if chosen just have fun!!

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."