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In what decade were you the most happy and content?

Mine was the 80's.  My girls were teenagers, I was working full time in a job I loved, learning the new computer technology, I had my best relationship, I was still lookin' and feelin' good, and we were a happy family.  Those were my social years, which I had never really had before.


Money was still scarce but by the end of the decade, I was making a lot more.


And there were the BeeGees, Travolta, and Saturday Night Fever!!  (By the way, big tribute to them Easter night on CBS at 8 PM!) 

Formerly Ford1224
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Re: In what decade were you the most happy and content?

[ Edited ]

Probably this decade... in my 60's... retired,  no more periods every month... have had all my joints replaced and I have no pain anymore.... feel pretty darn good!  Smiley Happy

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Re: In what decade were you the most happy and content?

Probably between ages 5 and 16. I loved school (couldn't wait for summer to be over -- is that weird?), I was smart, popular, athletic, even pretty, if I say so myself. Those were carefree days of good friends and fun times.

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Re: In what decade were you the most happy and content?

I would also say this decade..also in our  60's and both feeling pretty good. Retired, down-sized home is paid for, cars paid for, no children at home anymore, beautiful grandkids and to go any where or any time if we want...Life is Good!

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Re: In what decade were you the most happy and content?

I really would have difficulty pin pointing a particular decade where I was happiest. I loved high school and I loved getting married and raising my children. Today I have a very comfortable life with a really good man but my health isn't the best so I think the really good times are behind me....

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Re: In what decade were you the most happy and content?

@Trinity11 wrote:

I really would have difficulty pin pointing a particular decade where I was happiest. I loved high school and I loved getting married and raising my children. Today I have a very comfortable life with a really good man but my health isn't the best....I think the really good times are behind me.


Ditto to that Trinity!!

Good health is everything.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: In what decade were you the most happy and content?

@LilacTree wrote:

@Trinity11 wrote:

I really would have difficulty pin pointing a particular decade where I was happiest. I loved high school and I loved getting married and raising my children. Today I have a very comfortable life with a really good man but my health isn't the best....I think the really good times are behind me.


Ditto to that Trinity!!

Good health is everything.

That it is, LilacTree. All the money in the world just can't change that fact.

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Re: In what decade were you the most happy and content?

I adore this question, Lilac Tree.  Many times I have reflected on the happiest period(s) of my life, and, without hesitation, I claim the '80s, too.  However, the '90s were a close second.


In the '80s I not only achieved a high point in my career but also became pregnant for the first time.  Then two more pregnancies followed.  Dreams and desires were fulfilled  My late husband established his own company by the end of the decade, and our sons were doing well academically and socially.   For most of the decade I was a stay-at-home mother who relished every moment of such an existence!   I never once took it for granted -- honestly.  There were part-time gigs, in different periods, but nothing that would intrude with family time, which I treasured.


The '90s were filled with joy and fulfillment, too.  We were fine and happy until 2001.  Everything fell apart for us a couple weeks after 9/11.  Our sorrow for that tragic date was compounded by personal tragedy.  We have never really returned to who we were.


I HATE THIS NEW CENTURY!  I know, I know try to be positive and all that, but I know my best years are behind me.  I'm mature and can adjust to the losses one experiences when aging, but I find it hard to digest that my happiest moments are in the rear-view mirror.

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Re: In what decade were you the most happy and content?

@golding76 wrote:

I adore this question, Lilac Tree.  Many times I have reflected on the happiest period(s) of my life, and, without hesitation, I claim the '80s, too.  However, the '90s were a close second.


In the '80s I not only achieved a high point in my career but also became pregnant for the first time.  Then two more pregnancies followed.  Dreams and desires were fulfilled  My late husband established his own company by the end of the decade, and our sons were doing well academically and socially.   For most of the decade I was a stay-at-home mother who relished every moment of such an existence!   I never once took it for granted -- honestly.  There were part-time gigs, in different periods, but nothing that would intrude with family time, which I treasured.


The '90s were filled with joy and fulfillment, too.  We were fine and happy until 2001.  Everything fell apart for us a couple weeks after 9/11.  Our sorrow for that tragic date was compounded by personal tragedy.  We have never really returned to who we were.


I HATE THIS NEW CENTURY!  I know, I know try to be positive and all that, but I know my best years are behind me.  I'm mature and can adjust to the losses one experiences when aging, but I find it hard to digest that my happiest moments are in the rear-view mirror.


Goldie, the only reason I don't say my "baby" years (all four born in the 1960s within four and a half years) was because I had a bad marriage.  It wasn't violent or anything like that . . . he just didn't love me.  The 70s were a period of adjustment that didn't end well either.


And I agree . . . the 2000s have not been good either personally (illness) or generally for our country.  I can only hope for change for my children and my grandchildren . . . and all who have to live in the coming years.


But holding and loving my babies . . . I can never replace that feeling.  They were and are now still, my life. 

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: In what decade were you the most happy and content?

@SaRina wrote:

Probably between ages 5 and 16. I loved school (couldn't wait for summer to be over -- is that weird?), I was smart, popular, athletic, even pretty, if I say so myself. Those were carefree days of good friends and fun times.

@SaRina I'm with you.  I will extend my age to 21 - college years.  I, too was smart, popular, pretty, successful in most ways and very content.  Not a real care in the world.

Seems like a lifetime away now.