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Re: If you have Yahoo email (question)

On 11/13/2014 shoesnbags said: No problem with my Yahoo mail -using Firefox browser here.

Same here. My only problem with Yahoo is the amount of junk mail I get.

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Re: If you have Yahoo email (question)

I use Yahoo, but usually through the iPad -- don't have to sign in, etc. Lately, though some of my emails will not display. An error msg briefly appears saying the "content cannot be displayed". But then, I click on it later, and it's fine. This does not happen with gmail, which I also use with the iPad app. Seems this trouble started after Yahoo was hacked, so maybe they are working on another upgrade.

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Re: If you have Yahoo email (question)

There have been multiple threads about Yahoo mail problems in recent weeks. I'll repeat what I've been posting. Since Yahoo has so many problems, I'd suggest keeping a note of these links (or create bookmarks/favorites):

I don't use Yahoo mail, but I looked and found reports of problems. Be sure to look at the status history graphs, the outage maps, and scroll down to see user comments:




Here's their Twitter account (you don't need an account of your own to read theirs). They do post responses to trouble reports and updates:

Yahoo Mail Team

link goes to:

Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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Re: If you have Yahoo email (question)

My afternoon walking neighbors have been complaining something about warnings about security certificates not being right re: emails and home pages. Something about recommendations to not proceed with the site, so they shut down their browsers and start all over again.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: If you have Yahoo email (question)

Thanks, dooBdoo. I'm not here often enough to keep up with all the threads. Must have missed them. I'll copy this handy info, in case the problems grow worse. Hoping they sort it out (again) in time. Smile

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Re: If you have Yahoo email (question)

On 11/13/2014 WaJa61 said:

Thanks, dooBdoo. I'm not here often enough to keep up with all the threads. Must have missed them. I'll copy this handy info, in case the problems grow worse. Hoping they sort it out (again) in time. Smile

Hi, WaJa! So good to "see" you.

Yahoo's been running amok{#emotions_dlg.scared} in the past month or so, it seems. I've encountered threads in several of the Q forums about it, but I'll bet I've missed some of them too.

I agree, hope they sort it out. I'm not a big fan of Yahoo mail, but lots of folks are and it's surprising the PTB have allowed these major problems to go on for this long.

Take care.Smile

Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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Re: If you have Yahoo email (question)

Thank you for the replies, info, and links! I appreciate it.

I wonder why some have issues and some don't? Weird.

Mine is still having trouble off and on all day. I tried 3 browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox)

Im mostly using my Gmail now (without problems). I still have to switch emails on lots of accounts that have my Yahoo email. (What a pain!)

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: If you have Yahoo email (question)

Isn't a major pain, Shorty!? That's why I haven't swapped yet. Though it's not my main email account, it's used for many websites and internet shopping. I added the gmail because of earlier Yahoo troubles... use that for more recent accounts. Then, when they were hacked, I removed Yahoo from Paypal and eBay. I'm not having any troubles with it tonight -- even sending pics well. So strange how variable it is. Good luck to you with it. I'm sure dooBdoo's links will prove helpful.

Always a pleasure to see you, too, dooBdoo!! {#emotions_dlg.wub}

I tell you, these hacking rings grow more intimidating all the time. I'm worried for our national security, the power grids -- the whole works!

The ad-sponsored free services are most vulnerable to attacks and I guess we may as well accept it. They'll continue to worm their way in to the most popular weakest links.

I am plugging along despite the annoying sciatica, thanks. I hope you're doing as well as you can be, considering the hard journey. You take good care, too! ~Joy

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Re: If you have Yahoo email (question)

You're welcome, Shorty! I do know one possible reason some have email problems and others don't. It sometimes is server-specific. I encountered a bad patch of server problems 'way back when I had an email account, and it was the cause of some error messages on this community several months ago. So I do wonder if that's what's happening with Yahoo (well, one of the things).

WaJa, I agree about the vulnerability to hacking. It's worrisome, and I wish I felt more assured about what's going on behind the scenes to strengthen the system and be prepared.

Glad you're doing well, but that sciatica has to go! I'm sorry you're dealing with that. I'm okay, but fighting depression. It's a tough rascal. Thanks for the good wishes! It means a lot.


Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova