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Re: If you could have any holiday gift you wanted ,what would it be?

If we are talking about simpy materialistic gifts, I saw an 8ct pair of diamond earrings on gem shopping network that had to most beautiful cut I have ever seen. They were $250k and they were spectacular.


If we are talking both then the health of my family is all I ever truly want.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
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Re: If you could have any holiday gift you wanted ,what would it be?

A lot of people here in Florida hire people to walk their dogs - I told my DH I should get a job walking dogs during the season. Make a few extra $$$ and spend some time with some nice dogs.

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Re: If you could have any holiday gift you wanted ,what would it be?

I am grateful for so many things, I have had a very tough year physically and financially....this is okay with me as I know life is peaks and valleys...but my son struggles to find his way and I want him to stop doing drugs, this is what I want everyday....I want to know when I leave this world he will be stable and spiritually sound.

This in addition to peace on earth...would really love to see that:-)
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Re: If you could have any holiday gift you wanted ,what would it be?

@151949 wrote:

Like the OP - mine would be a puppy. Today while we were out we saw a woman walking a little Weimaraner pup , he was so adorable! I wanted him so much. However, a puppy or a dog would not fit into our current lifestyle as we travel back & forth - take side trips and stay at hotels, plus we live in a villa - not a good pick for a dog. Dogs NEED to have space to run free every day to be happy. Also, at our age , what if something happened to us and the dog was left homeless? 





I understand and agree with everything you said here, except!  I never like to say, or hear others say, "what if". Regardless of age, everyone can preface anything they choose to say with "what if". To me it is much like hindsight and: coulda/woulda/shoulda.


People that know they cannot provide a good home for any animal are wise to make their choice as what is best for domestic animal, no myself or anyone else. I have never and will never let a "what if" make any of my life choices, even though I can come up with many possible life situations.




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Re: If you could have any holiday gift you wanted ,what would it be?

I know how painful it is to lose a pet, but I can't imagine being without one.  I've had cats for the last 40 years, and adopted a dog 6 years ago and a new cat 5 years ago. 

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Re: If you could have any holiday gift you wanted ,what would it be?

@NativeJax wrote:
I am grateful for so many things, I have had a very tough year physically and financially....this is okay with me as I know life is peaks and valleys...but my son struggles to find his way and I want him to stop doing drugs, this is what I want everyday....I want to know when I leave this world he will be stable and spiritually sound.

This in addition to peace on earth...would really love to see that:-)

@NativeJax, I am sorry you have had a tough year. I do hope that 2017 is one of the best you have. I am not a religious person so I don't pray but I am sending positive thoughts for you and your son. I have had friends that were addicts, horrible addicts. One of them has been clean and sober for 2 yrs and just started working as a drug counselor. I believe she will be wonderful at that job because she knows exactly where they are coming from. Her life has changed so much and she has more hope than she has ever had in her life. She tried to get clean many times before she finally had success. She didn't want to be an addict either and it truly caused her so much pain that she couldn't remain sober for any length of time until the last time. The way her life has changed is just so inspiring and transformational. Your son may not get it the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th time but I am sending positive thoughts that the next time he does try, something clicks in his brain in a way it didn't in the past. I hope so much for you that you get that wish for your son. 

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
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If you could have any holiday gift you wanted ,what would it be?

Good health for my father. These past two years have been horrible for him.


Just a simple girl with a simple wish. ~Sigh~

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Re: If you could have any holiday gift you wanted ,what would it be?

@cherry and @@carebears. I know  the grief all too well but please don't  let that stop you from lving  another animal.  I swore I would never have another cat after my first one passed after 17 years.  Now I rescued 3.  I still hurt for my dog but right now I can't have one but I haven't given up hope that someday I will.  What they give us far outweighs the hurt of saying goodbye to them.

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Re: If you could have any holiday gift you wanted ,what would it be?

My wish and prayer is that the cancer researchers could find a way for those of us with metastatic melanoma to be cured.  As is stands now as far as my treatments go, I will have to continue on the Opdivo for the rest of my life, unless they come up with something like a pill.  Believe me, these treatments are no picnic.  I have one every other week.  And, they really do make me tired, and still have a number of the different side affects from it.  I have a port and the treatment is by IV.......


We are hearing more and more about melanoma.  And they are saying those that use the tanning beds are not safe in using them.


I don't need any material things.  Nor do I need any more pets......I have my Mr. Lucky, and he is a blessing in my life.....



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Re: If you could have any holiday gift you wanted ,what would it be?

Good health for all I know would be great, but if you are talking about a materialistic gift, I'd love to pick out a small home floor plan and have a new, efficient home.