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Re: If you Wanted to Lose 10lbs What Would you Do?

Losing 10 pounds in 2 months is a reasonable and achievable goal. Eat Clean. Search eating clean on google for lots of info and food listsCat Very Happy


Here are some tips that may help you reach your goal:

Create a calorie deficit: In order to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume. This can be achieved by reducing your daily calorie intake or by increasing your physical activity.


Eat a healthy and balanced diet: Focus on consuming a diet that is high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats. This will help you feel full and satisfied, while also providing your body with the nutrients it needs.


Incorporate regular exercise: Incorporate regular exercise into your routine. This can include cardio, strength training, or a combination of both. Exercise will help you burn calories and improve your overall fitness.


Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help you stay hydrated and may also help you feel full, which can prevent overeating.


Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep is important for weight loss, as sleep deprivation can lead to overeating and a slower metabolism.

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. —Helen Keller
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Re: If you Wanted to Lose 10lbs What Would you Do?

@Boehm Collector wrote:

@songbird  ... she said 10 lbs.  

LOL.  That's funny.  I didn't know that.  I just glanced at the title.  Well I'd be 98 lbs.  Still not very good. Better then 7 lbs.  I was actually 98 lbs as a teenager.  

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Re: If you Wanted to Lose 10lbs What Would you Do?

I just happened to read a comment from someone I follow. They've shed 11 pounds in 4 weeks by eating 90% raw. Not sure what else they might be doing (if anything) but I know they're really busy so wouldn't be spending a ton of time in the gym.

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Re: If you Wanted to Lose 10lbs What Would you Do?

I've lost 30 lbs and keeping it off. What's been working for me is
#1 Drink a lot of Lemon Water
# Daily walks
#3 Not eating Fast-food, chips, sweets.
#4 portion control
Once in awhile I do treat myself to one scoop of ice cream, takes care of my sweet tooth.
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Re: If you Wanted to Lose 10lbs What Would you Do?

DH saw his cardiologist today who really jumped on him about his weight. He told him to stop anything that has sugar in it. Period. I know South Beach worked fo me since the phase one allows no sugar at's hard at first but it does make your sweet cravings stop, and the next phase is easier since you have more options. His doctor told him no fruit whatsoever, not even a grape. DH loves fruit, Somehow I will have to be creative. Doc said no fake sugar either since it will increase cravings. If you can just eliminate sugar and increase whatever type of exercise you do, even just walking more, that shoudl help. Good luck!

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Re: If you Wanted to Lose 10lbs What Would you Do?

Decrease portions
Limit desserts & snacks or eat healthy ones
Drink water
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Re: If you Wanted to Lose 10lbs What Would you Do?

Fast 36 hours once a week.
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Re: If you Wanted to Lose 10lbs What Would you Do?

@Stray Those are great tips.