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If the Invitation Says "Please no Gifts" do you Bring a Gift Anyway?

I do, because I'm afraid everyone else will bring gifts and then I'll feel like a fool.

It's happened to others, but I've never not brought one.

What's your take on it?

"That's a great first pancake."
Lady Gaga, to Tony Bennett
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Re: If the Invitation Says ""Please no Gifts"" do you Bring a Gift Anyway?

If the invitation specifies no gifts, I don't bring one.

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Re: If the Invitation Says ""Please no Gifts"" do you Bring a Gift Anyway?

If it's that specific and in writing, I wouldn't bring one.

But deep down inside, I would wonder if the host is just saying that, as people sometimes do, when they're actually hoping for some surprise 'presents'.

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Re: If the Invitation Says ""Please no Gifts"" do you Bring a Gift Anyway?

I bring an appropriate card with a little message
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Re: If the Invitation Says ""Please no Gifts"" do you Bring a Gift Anyway?

I would bring a card with a gift card in it...if I see presents...then I give them that card...I would feel real uncomfortable coming to a party empty handed...especially if others brought a gift....

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Re: If the Invitation Says ""Please no Gifts"" do you Bring a Gift Anyway?

I would not bring a gift if I were told not to.

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Re: If the Invitation Says ""Please no Gifts"" do you Bring a Gift Anyway?

No gift, just a card. If they expect you to bring a gift, the invitation should not say otherwise.
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Re: If the Invitation Says ""Please no Gifts"" do you Bring a Gift Anyway?

No gift...your friendship IS the gift! How refreshing to hold a party to enjoy the company of friends.

If a lot of people bring gifts and you feel funny about it, you can always send a nice thank you note later and maybe some flowers.

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Re: If the Invitation Says ""Please no Gifts"" do you Bring a Gift Anyway?

No, I bring a nice card.

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Re: If the Invitation Says ""Please no Gifts"" do you Bring a Gift Anyway?

No! No! No! It's an insult to bring a gift when specially asked not to. chum