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Re: If I was angelic, I think my halo would be tilted ... or fall off ...

@Carmie wrote:

@Anonymous032819   Why would you suggest that I think getting COVID is inevitable?  I didn't say or Imply that at all.


There is no 100% way to stay safe unless you are not exposed to the virus.  The recommendations  of the CDC do help, but they are not foolproof .


I don't trust a mask to fully protect anyone...even the Medical N95 masks don't do that. Even the CDC says it will not protect you, but will somewhat protect others if you have COVID. 

I protect myself by staying away from people as much as possible.  No restaurants or social functions for me. And I do wear a mask, wash hands, etc.


Reckless behavior or not, this virus is nothing to take lightly and we all need to not feel that a mask, social distancing, etc will fully protect us. It won't.







If you feel that a mask won't (fully) protect you, then why do you even bother to wear one, wash your hands?



Why aren't you out and about, galavanting around, mask free?

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Re: If I was angelic, I think my halo would be tilted ... or fall off ...



I live in Pennsylvania.  It is 100% mandatory that we wear masks in public in this state.


I always wash my hands and have for years.  I keep sanitizer wipes in my car and wipe my hands everytime I get into my car, especially after leaving stores or other public places. I wash my hands after coming from outside, etc.  this is not new for me.  It is a lifetime habit.


I have never gotten a flu shot and never had the flu.  I don't even get colds. 

I don't galavante around with or without a mask.  I am not crazy.  Covid is out there and like all other viruses, I am trying to avoid it.  The best way is by staying home and avoiding people, not by covering up and hanging out in crowds.

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Re: If I was angelic, I think my halo would be tilted ... or fall off ...

@Zhills wrote:

I am not worried but very concerned!  I take all the CDC recommended precautions.  I do not have any help available.


I was already a "hand washer" because I have a dog that I handle, or handle his food and treats, all day long.  Always washing my hands.


I feel safe in my home and car and I use gloves (plastic sandwich bags) when I handle anything like the gas pump.


I have my groceries delivered by Shipt.  I have used that service since surgery in 2016.  


Going for a haircut and perm this week!  Getting bold?  No, just need a "pick me up" very badly!


@shy bobcat  I doubt seriously that your halo is tilted!  You seem like a sweet, caring person!

Late 70's and live alone too.  Have a serious illness now, but doing okay.  Haven't been in a  store since Feb.  Have Instacart deliver groceries.  My married daughters offer to help, but I try to be independent as they are very busy.   I'm hoping my hairdresser will come and cut and style my hair.  She did that earlier for me as the salon is still closed.   I'm usually very content to stay at home, but this has been so long and some days I feel "down" about all of it.  Do all my shopping online--a lot at QVC.

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Re: If I was angelic, I think my halo would be tilted ... or fall off ...

Yes, @shy bobcat, I'm as worried as you are.  I feel what you're going thru.  I'm under a lot of stress in the daytime, and don't sleep at night due to my caregiver duties.   I worry about my health in more ways than Covid, which just makes my stress worse.  Ack!  It's a vicious cycle!  Ha!  But I understand your concerns and might even put a finger under one side of your halo to keep it on straight for you.

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Re: If I was angelic, I think my halo would be tilted ... or fall off ...

@shy bobcat ,

It is encouraging to me to see that others are going through the same worries.

Balancing helping 2 families with different needs and trying to keep esp one safe when the other might be branching out, and also helping remotely and at times aging parent in another state, etc etc. 

I realize that the worry can get so up there and then I just have to stop and be grateful that so far everyone is safe and well, and just to do the best every day and try to find the bright points.

It is comforting to know I'm not alone in all these worries while trying not to worry!

Each step at a time with as much love and care as possible!

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: If I was angelic, I think my halo would be tilted ... or fall off ...

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

@Sooner  My daughter doesn't mind helping me.


I just read your post to and she said she never minds helping me.


She said, "You're my Mom.  I do anything for you Mom".

@Annabellethecat66, I feel the same way about my parents. They've done a lot for my sisters and myself. Its an honor to be able to help them when they need it now, I honestly thank God I am able to. I would imagine your daughter feels the same way about you. Its not a burden, its a blessing. 

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Re: If I was angelic, I think my halo would be tilted ... or fall off ...

I would take care of my kids if they got sick and not think twice. They are both out among the masses each day at work. Both follow the guidelines and are careful.


However, I have a couple family members who think it is 2019 (pre-Covid) and go out and trot around without masks and gather in crowds.  I am sorry to admit that I would not offer to care for them.  If you do all you can to try and safe and still get sick, I will help. You get sick because you were a dumbazz, I'm not risking my life,  you are on your own

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Re: If I was angelic, I think my halo would be tilted ... or fall off ...

There is also the flip side of family sickness.  I am very aware that I don't want to be the old sick mother, so I beyond careful of my actions.  


And if I may whine, I hate being cut off.  Old grandmas are meant to see and spoil kids.