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Re: Ice-T and CoCo Have Baby Girl Today (photo)

So cute and so tiny!

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Re: Ice-T and CoCo Have Baby Girl Today (photo)

The first think that I noticed about the Us Magazie pic was that CoCo isn;t wearing any clothes!


They explained that skin on skin contact is important.

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Re: Ice-T and CoCo Have Baby Girl Today (photo)

@sidsmom wrote:

I ADORE Coco & Ice...she's been talking about babies for some time.  




I have a feeling many don't know the tone of Coco's model gigs over the years...or the history of Ice-T's discography.  The well-wishers might not be so quick to respond.


Curiously enough...another famous rap star/model couple, about to have a baby, will garner alot of negative attention with the birth of their child.   Sure, there are some 'couple' differences, but many more similarities than people realize.....but a totally different interweb opinion.  Hummm...funny.



I do.


 Ice T led a very troubled life. He has changed.

Coco sure wasn't modeling for the  J C Penny catalog.. More like centerfolds.


I think they are fun to watch on TV.



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Re: Ice-T and CoCo Have Baby Girl Today (photo)

@chickenbutt wrote:

They seem like a nice couple and I'm happy for them.


I enjoyed their 'reality show' a year or two back.   But it never came back.  Then they got a talk show but it wasn't carried in this market, so I haven't seen them for a while now.

I really liked their reality show too and I am glad I got to see it. I knew about Ice T and listened to his music and enjoyed his movies but I didn't know much about his wife. I will admit with shame that I did have a preconceived notion about her just from her appearance. I am usually the type of person who tries not to do that with people because it usually is no where near the preconceived notion but I did do it with her. She really proved me wrong. She is a very lovely human being who has a lot of love not only for her husband but those around her too. I am glad I got the chance to find that out by watching that show. If it was still on, I would definitely still be watching.

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Re: Ice-T and CoCo Have Baby Girl Today (photo)

I used to watch their show.  She always wanted a baby.  I'm glad all is well.

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Re: Ice-T and CoCo Have Baby Girl Today (photo)

Coco is a pornographic model.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: Ice-T and CoCo Have Baby Girl Today (photo)

@terrier3 wrote:

The first think that I noticed about the Us Magazie pic was that CoCo isn;t wearing any clothes!


They explained that skin on skin contact is important.

This is status quo in many other countries. In Australia at the hospital both the mother and father are encouraged to take their shirts off of the first contact with their child, they almost insist on skin on skin. On my FB page when I have an Australian friend who has a baby or is putting up pictures of a family member who just had a baby, almost always are the parents both without shirts. As a matter of fact there was a story in Australia where the doctors told the mother that her baby died during birth. The mother wanted to hold her child anyway and she did against her shirtless chest. The baby started to move about 15-20 minutes into it and many, including doctors, believe that skin on skin contact had something to do with that.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
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Re: Ice-T and CoCo Have Baby Girl Today (photo)

@Irshgrl31201 wrote:

@terrier3 wrote:

The first think that I noticed about the Us Magazie pic was that CoCo isn;t wearing any clothes!


They explained that skin on skin contact is important.

This is status quo in many other countries. In Australia at the hospital both the mother and father are encouraged to take their shirts off of the first contact with their child, they almost insist on skin on skin. On my FB page when I have an Australian friend who has a baby or is putting up pictures of a family member who just had a baby, almost always are the parents both without shirts. As a matter of fact there was a story in Australia where the doctors told the mother that her baby died during birth. The mother wanted to hold her child anyway and she did against her shirtless chest. The baby started to move about 15-20 minutes into it and many, including doctors, believe that skin on skin contact had something to do with that.

That's interesting!

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Re: Ice-T and CoCo Have Baby Girl Today (photo)

@terrier3 wrote:

@Irshgrl31201 wrote:

@terrier3 wrote:

The first think that I noticed about the Us Magazie pic was that CoCo isn;t wearing any clothes!


They explained that skin on skin contact is important.

This is status quo in many other countries. In Australia at the hospital both the mother and father are encouraged to take their shirts off of the first contact with their child, they almost insist on skin on skin. On my FB page when I have an Australian friend who has a baby or is putting up pictures of a family member who just had a baby, almost always are the parents both without shirts. As a matter of fact there was a story in Australia where the doctors told the mother that her baby died during birth. The mother wanted to hold her child anyway and she did against her shirtless chest. The baby started to move about 15-20 minutes into it and many, including doctors, believe that skin on skin contact had something to do with that.

That's interesting!


Yeah, I think it is. I find that type of stuff interesting. It is funny you mentioned it but one of my very good friends who lives in Austraila and was the person I lived with while looking for a place of my own, just had a baby a couple of weeks ago with his wife. All of the pics are of him and his wife are shirtless, her with full on boob hanging out. lol! They don't really think anything of it but as an American it took a few hot minutes for me to get used to it. I am not a prude at all but it just isn't something you see in the US as often.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
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Re: Ice-T and CoCo Have Baby Girl Today (photo)

@Irshgrl31201 wrote:

@terrier3 wrote:

@Irshgrl31201 wrote:

@terrier3 wrote:

The first think that I noticed about the Us Magazie pic was that CoCo isn;t wearing any clothes!


They explained that skin on skin contact is important.

This is status quo in many other countries. In Australia at the hospital both the mother and father are encouraged to take their shirts off of the first contact with their child, they almost insist on skin on skin. On my FB page when I have an Australian friend who has a baby or is putting up pictures of a family member who just had a baby, almost always are the parents both without shirts. As a matter of fact there was a story in Australia where the doctors told the mother that her baby died during birth. The mother wanted to hold her child anyway and she did against her shirtless chest. The baby started to move about 15-20 minutes into it and many, including doctors, believe that skin on skin contact had something to do with that.

That's interesting!


Yeah, I think it is. I find that type of stuff interesting. It is funny you mentioned it but one of my very good friends who lives in Austraila and was the person I lived with while looking for a place of my own, just had a baby a couple of weeks ago with his wife. All of the pics are of him and his wife are shirtless, her with full on boob hanging out. lol! They don't really think anything of it but as an American it took a few hot minutes for me to get used to it. I am not a prude at all but it just isn't something you see in the US as often.

Ok, I am ashamed to admit this made me laugh out loud . . . what am I, a fourteen year old boy? . . . egad . . . tee hee . . . Smiley Happy