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A couple of weeks ago I came home to four messages on our machine from the "IRS."  Four in one morning!  Then that evening around 9:00 I get another call and this time they are MAD!!!!!  Legal action will be taken!  Yeah, right. The good news is the calls have stopped because the repeated messages at all hours was really getting annoying.  I never answer the phone if I don't recognize the number anyway but calling at 9 at night???? 

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@nomless wrote:

@Tricolor wrote:

I get those quite regularly but they are always on my answering machine. One day I had a call that I don't normally take and decided to put an end to the call. It was a non English speaking person claiming to be from Microsoft and needed to discuss my computer. I said to him stop right there and let's discuss this. I asked him if he was calling from inside the US. He confirmed that. I started to blast him. I said how dare you try to scam me while living in this country in comfort and freedom. Decided to scare him a little bit and told him he just called the house of a state police officer and I could have him arrested. The line went dead! Haven't gotten anymore Microsoft calls.


@Tricolor, just curious. What language was used since the caller didn't speak English?

Tricolor1 - I imagine the vast majority of us understood the OP -- are you trying to stir up trouble?

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I don't know if these calls can be blocked at the source, but I'll bet more can be done.  Consumer Reports has been after the phone companies to do more.


I have an ATT landline, and I can only block 20 numbers through them.  NOMOROBO has taken care of more, and I have ordered an attachment that should take care of the rest.  But its maddening to have to spend time and money to be able to use a service that I pay for.


By the way, the people at the FCC (or FTC?) told me never to answer these calls, not even to just mess with them.  If you answer they know your number is valid, and will call more often, and sell your number on to other criminals.

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@athenian@Well I bet if your phone goes to the answering machine it is a safe bet yo say they reached a valid number so you might as well have some fun with them if you choose.

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Our landline received this call at 10:30 pm a couple of nights ago, and while I was watching PBS, hubby was sleeping and it woke him up.  I said how is it legal to call people at home at this time and he said they're criminals who are immune to any laws,

and they break as many as possible.

Have also received this call at 6:30 am.  Our home gets at least a dozen scammers

calling DAILY.  Interestingly, there are at least three different IRS recordings and once,

when I mistakenly picked up, I got a live guy.  I told him I worked for the deputy director

of the IRS here and that they thoroughly investigated me before hiring me, so he

could not possibly be telling the truth.  Silence!

But still the recordings continue and the callback numbers are all different.



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LOL I got a stupid IRS call today and all I did laugh loudly into the phone and then hang up. 


I'm not dumb enough to fall for those scams. 

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We've been getting a lot of these lately, in our case a message is left on our machine.  Most of ours have originated from Seattle.  Yesterday we had one stating,"You are a suspect in a crime the IRS is investigating."  I picked up the phone and asked if he even knew my name? He hemmed and hawed, then hung up on me.


The first time I received one of these calls I found it upsetting.  I filled out a form with the government, gave them the phone number, etc.  Now it's just not worth my effort. 

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Robot Very Happy




I tell them I have your robo number and I am reporting it. They hang up before I do.  Found out how to handle the lying thieves through the news years ago; So many elderly people were taking advantage of and sending money per robo calls instructions through Walmart of all places.. red flag there!

 The IRS does not call they will send you a letter.

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OP here they called a THIRD time! I called the FTC to file a complaint although it probably doesn't do any good. She of course said the IRS would never contact you by phone. 

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If you want to have fun just do not give your info and write their number down and end it with by the way.. do not call me again because this is a Robo call and report it.