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Posts: 278
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I will be saying good bye...

to my dog of steel tomorrow. Dream is so tired, she has been fighting, she has kept that sparkle in her eye up til now. I made up my mind yesterday morning when I had her out at 5 am, she fell in the yard and had that complete look of defeat in her eyes, the leave me alone, don't help me, leave me here to die look. I have experienced that look before with my other Lab...I just couldn't leave her laying in the wet grass at 5 in the morning, so I part lifted, part dragged my 90 lb. Lab back into the house. She has hardly gotten up since then, when she does it takes to much out of her. Her breathing is fine, she does not seem to be in any pain or discomfort, she is just worn out.

She did well getting along on 3 legs since around February, but the knuckling has begun on her other hind leg, and with heart failure on top of it, it is just too much for my old girl. The heart meds have made her lose her appetite (she will still eat if her food is mixed with something good), the high doses of lasix have made her incontinent, she leaks all the time and is laying in urine she doesn't even feel it come out.

Tonight I will be grilling her a steak, we will share a bowl of ice cream, because Dream and I have always shared every thing! Tomorrow we will take our final trip to the Vet. The time has come to release her, she can be with Wolfie and Aiyana again...the three musketeers will be so happy to be together for eternity.

I will miss her, she has been my rock, my joy, my best friend for 14 heart is broken, but I need to give her this final gift.

Thank you all for the kind words of support and help through our battle.