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Re: I went to Costco yesterday....

Unrelated to Costco, someone set fire this morning in the paper aisle at a Walmart in Tucson.  They put the fire out, but store is out of commission.  Have no idea if they caught the person who did this.  Terrible thing to do.  There were no injuries and everyone to my knowledge evacuated safely.  On Christmas Eve, no less.  

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Re: I went to Costco yesterday....

Oops @SeaMaiden  didn't mean to hijack your Costco thread.  My apologies! 

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Re: I went to Costco yesterday....

My family thinks I'm nuts, but I love the hustle and bustle of shopping the week of Christmas.  I went to Costco and had a hard time finding a place to park but loved every minute of it.  Merry Christmas everyone.

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Re: I went to Costco yesterday....

I went to Costco yesterday soon after it opened really wasn't that bad.......

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Re: I went to Costco yesterday....

You could not pay me  to go to any store the week before Christmas, let alone Costco.


I hate crowds, whenever I go to the store for groceries I always go first thing in the morning, before all of the people come.


When I hit Costco on a weekend, I am there first thing at 10:00 a.m. 



That is just horrible. 





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Re: I went to Costco yesterday....

DH needed gas at Costco yesterday and the lines for gas were so long they were blocking the driveway to get into the parking lot. They had four Costco employees out in the traffic jam trying to direct traffic...didn't help very much. I did need a couple of things in the store but no way was I going inside. If people are still shopping for gifts on Christmas Eve, get a gift card and be done with it.


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Re: I went to Costco yesterday....

On a normal day, the line to get gas at Costco is out onto the road.  They even added another lane of pumps and it didn't get any better.  I can't imagine the traffic jam today.

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Re: I went to Costco yesterday....

We tried to get into Costco at 10am on Thurs, but the lines were out on the two roads going in, so we passed.


Today, I got up and went at 8:30am, knowing it was opening at 9am. When I got there just about a dozen cars parked, and the doors were already open.  Got my two things and quickly left in 10 minutes; the parking lot was packed, the line to the gas was building quickly, and did my escape home. I hit it just right.

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Re: I went to Costco yesterday....

We live rural and our nearest Costco is 60 miles away. My dh had a doctor appt on 12-23 in the big city. So since we were there we decided to go to Costco. Yikes. Our Costco is NEVER busy. Rural Costco = never busy. Except at Christmas! It was a mad house! We got what we needed and high tailed outta there! 

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: I went to Costco yesterday....

@SeaMaiden no way would i go to a mall, Walmart or Costco this past week!!  I did order some things from Costco on Wednesday and they were delivered and placed on my porch yesterday afternoon.  That is the way to go--no crowds, no driving, and free delivery.