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Re: I think I might have seen a new fashion trend tonight



It jmay be "The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge Effect." 



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Re: I think I might have seen a new fashion trend tonight

I think it's nice to show respect for the younger generation. They seem to get a lot of bad mouthing ,and I don't want to become some old grouch ,that never says anything nice about them


I really admire so many young women and men. I think things are so much harder for them ,than it was for my generation

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Re: I think I might have seen a new fashion trend tonight

No so much in the winter months, but I wear skirts and dresses to church regularly. I have two Isaac Mizrahi lace dresses that I wear at Palm Sunday and Easter. I am the pianist though, so that makes me want to be dressed nicely. I feel, however, that dressing up for church isn't like it used to be, so if someone wants to start a trend for it, I'll cheer them on.

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Re: I think I might have seen a new fashion trend tonight

Dresses have been big for a while, maybe 4 years. Suits as well as blazers are enjoying an extremely strong revival.

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Re: I think I might have seen a new fashion trend tonight

@cherry  Are you saying your church had two baptisms during the Mass?  If so, I always thought those ceremonies were held at special times and not during mass... 

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Re: I think I might have seen a new fashion trend tonight

@Junebug54  Yes I am. Baptisms have been incorporated into the mass,  for decades


When my children were baptised, it was done differently . It was private, and done at a different time

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Re: I think I might have seen a new fashion trend tonight

Loved Polly Flinders!

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Re: I think I might have seen a new fashion trend tonight

My mom had terminal cancer and she told all her daughters, sisters and nieces we were to wear dresses and no cell phone better be out. She also added and don’t go eat all at once, a few have to stay behind to receive the people coming to pay their respects. We did everything she asked. 

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Re: I think I might have seen a new fashion trend tonight

@qvcfreak  your mother sounds like she raised you well, and really cared about  nice manners

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Re: I think I might have seen a new fashion trend tonight

I was baptized just after our regular church service concluded. We had originally planned it at the river, but weather conditions weren't favorable.