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Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

@cherry I never heard of this person.  I had to google her, and when I read the article, I immediately understood the reference she made on the check.  The words were harmless and meant to be an inside joke about her song.  What she did was very kind and generous for her mother.  Perhaps they have mended fences, and she is making an effort to rebuild their relationship.  Again, I have no idea who she is or what she has done in the past, but I can recognize an act of generosity.  

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Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

@TenderMercies  I somehow doubt it. It's plastered all over and just when she is supposedly getting a TV series.


This child has such a sad track record, she beat a woman on an airline for nothing, and is facing more charges in a second assault


Her language and behavior are incorrigible.


It makes me sick to think she will be put on TV to amuse people. She is obviously disturbed. When she was on Dr Phil she was even younger, and I couldn't believe such a young girl could be so obnoxious to everyone   in the audience ,and to Phil ,and her mother


I don't know the back story with her father, but it sounds like he is trying to get her help

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Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

Why doesn’t the Dad get custody of her?  He seems to be the only one concerned about her welfare. 

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Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

I really don't know anything about the child's custody arrangements. I don't think the parents were ever married , so I'm not sure if that gives the mom the upper hand, as far as custodial rights

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Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

[ Edited ]

@cherry  Dr. Phil did a follow up with her.  She did get the help from him and completely turned around.  The problem is that when the program ended she had to go back to the custodial parent and the same environment.  Without the mom participating in the program and the rehab structure gone, she reverted right back and he certainly isn't going to send her back and waste another trip on her. 


I usually never defend Dr. Phil because I'm not a fan of most of what he does but this time, he did try.  You've got to have the parents participate to make the kid successful long term.  It's a shame the mother and father are selling the daughter out for quick fame and money.  That girl's life is going to be trashed before it even starts.     

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Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

@Laura14  that's the first time I have heard anything about the dad contributing to her delinquency

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Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

[ Edited ]

@cherry wrote:

@Laura14  that's the first time I have heard anything about the dad contributing to her delinquency

@cherry  I only say that because if your daughter is spiraling like that, in my opinion, you go get her.  They didn't really speak a lot about him but, if he is capable, he needs to go for custody and take her (problem child that she is) and do the right thing by her whether she likes it or not or if it's convenient for him or not.  

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Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

@Laura14  he has been trying. It might be a case of not having the money to  fight this. He did have a pay pal account trying to solicit funds for an attorney. I don't know what happened there. Maybe he is worthless too, I have no idea. But he did say he thinks she is being groomed by her handlers, and he is a policeman or something to do with law enforcement.

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Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

@cherry wrote:

@Laura14  he has been trying. It might be a case of not having the money to  fight this. He did have a pay pal account trying to solicit funds for an attorney. I don't know what happened there. Maybe he is worthless too, I have no idea. But he did say he thinks she is being groomed by her handlers, and he is a policeman or something to do with law enforcement.

@cherry  I am sure Dr Phil would have paid for his lawyer and at this point I doubt he needs one.  He has plenty of evidence to prove the mother unfit.  He just needs to go file the paperwork and show up.  

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Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

I think the check was staged by mom and handlers, to get as much  publicity as they can , to drum up an audience for this TV program


I wonder which network is sleazy enough to  show this?