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I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

Danielle Bergolio is in the news once again. It appears her mother has put her stamp of approval on this type of behaviour, by becoming part of this publicity stunt. Her daughter handed her a check and said Merry Christmas *****. The mother touchingly  weeps with joy at the gift.  Woman Sad If I would have used that kind of language with my mother, I would still be  grounded. If my kids would have used it, they would be too. I would have handed the check back, and said no thank you


If she was in earnest about trying to get her daughter some help, it seems to have flown out the window, when she spotted dollar signs.


Giving this disturbed  child a TV program, and encouraging her to act out  ,even more ,than she already does ,will only   cause her more harm, in the long run. I have heard she only has a 5th grade education, and I hope that information is incorrect.


I have no idea if the father is sincere, but on the surface, it appears he does have some concern about his daughters welfare.  He fears her handlers are grooming her, and at some point in time ,she will be part of the adult entertainment industry


Given her record for doing things beyond the pale , I am afraid he might be right. She is on probation for 5 years and she is just 14. She has already stolen cars  ,assaulted people, used drugs. I am only sorry she wasn't given the help she needed when she was on Dr Phil.




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Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

She was paying homage to the song that made her rich and famous when she wrote what she wrote.  She wrote "Merrcy Christmas, B***" and her song is called, "Hi B***".  It was in no way meant to be insulting to her mother.  It was a little inside joke about how that silly word has made them succssful and happy.  

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Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

Her personality is ingrained.  She is ugly on the inside and out.  I'm glad I have a great kid.

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ~ S & G
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Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

I don't find her likeable but I still feel very sorry for her. 

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Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

I've never heard of her.  I guess I'm lucky.

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Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

@depglass  I will put a link to the article up for you to read. It might ring a bell for you

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Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

She is going the route of the Britney's and the Lindsay's (in the future). Mom sold her soul for $.

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Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

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Registered: ‎11-24-2013

Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

Lucky me! I have no clue who this is and sounds like I should be glad!

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Re: I shudder to think of what might happen to this young girl

Her mother went on Dr Phil to seek help, because she was so  terrible acting. They got into knock down drag out fights, and the police were constantly being called. The child ran away all the time. Once 4 times in one day


Now I am wondering if the mother really only wanted her daughter to get national exposure on TV ,so  it would further the child's career. If that wasn't the case ,when she  attracted a following ,her head was turned by the thought of the money this child could make, by acting terrible.


It seems no thought is given to the girls emotional stability ,at all