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I make all my Christmas presents, do you?

First of all, I am an artist, a quilter and baker. One year I oil painted a painting for the everyone and had them framed. Next year I bought bathrobes and did custom embroidery for each person. 2 years ago I made 7 quilts for 7 people for Christmas. Last year was doing custom bisque that I hand painted and fired.

This year.....I'm making homemade truffles for everyone. Today was my first test batch, and it was GREAT!

Do any of you make all your gifts? My daughter-in-law is crocheting hats and infinity scarves for her gifts.

Almost forgot, my wonderful hubby makes homemade jam for all the relatives and friends. He makes about 36 jars just before Christmas. I am the jelly maker. The relatives also get a jar of jelly too!

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Re: I make all my Christmas presents, do you?

I forgot to ask about ideas for next year. I've been thinking about custom filled cupcakes. Or maybe a homemade cheesecake.

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Re: I make all my Christmas presents, do you?

Do I make my own Christmas presents ? I don't even make the bed !! You're who I want to be when I grow up.
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Re: I make all my Christmas presents, do you?

On 11/10/2014 Danky said: Do I make my own Christmas presents ? I don't even make the bed !! You're who I want to be when I grow up.

LOL, I feel like a Martha Stewart. We own a Bed & Breakfast, so I am always at home. I'm always making something!

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Re: I make all my Christmas presents, do you?

No LORI----you ARE Martha Stewart. Owning a B&B has always been a "back of my mind" fantasy. But the combo of lack of creativity, finding the general public annoying and hating the idea of sharing my space probably makes the whole thing a VERY bad idea !
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Re: I make all my Christmas presents, do you?

On 11/10/2014 Danky said: No LORI----you ARE Martha Stewart. Owning a B&B has always been a "back of my mind" fantasy. But the combo of lack of creativity, finding the general public annoying and hating the idea of sharing my space probably makes the whole thing a VERY bad idea !

Owning a bed & breakfast is sharing your life with others. I love it! You have to be open with the constant stream of people. My son is 34 and wants to buy it from us. He absolutely loves it.

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Re: I make all my Christmas presents, do you?

I love families like yours. It's so nice to have such a talented family. I'm great at Lock N Lock. LOL.

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Re: I make all my Christmas presents, do you?

My DH and I used to do a lot of hand crafted gifts but the eyes and the fingers can't take it now. It was a phase we went through and fun while it lasted. I'm sure the recipients appreciate the effort you and your husband put into their gifts.

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Re: I make all my Christmas presents, do you?

No but I've had friends and family give me and my family some really cute nice things that they made. I'm always impressed by people that make things for others. I had an aunt that was so crafty. She made the cutest things and would give them at bridal showers, baby showers etc. I'm just not into it. How do I get the motivation? LOL.

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Re: I make all my Christmas presents, do you?

No, I was born with that arts & crafts gene. Many, many years ago when I was a sahm, I gave homemade cookies and candies and rum cakes as gifts. But I never made any craft items. I'm always impressed by people who can make lovely things with their own hands.