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I'm totally addicted, and strung out on diet pepsi and it's killing me. Help please.

  I know some of you are rolling your eyes thinking I'm being ridiculous but this is seriously a problem in my life!   I never, ever drank soda or cool aide growing up, and as I got older maybe 2-3 times a year I'd order a soda pop at a restaurant but could never drink the entire thing it was far too sweet. I'm now in my mind 50's and can't even remember what in the world possessed me to pick up a diet soda as I hated diet soda ( I tasted it once before) but about 3 years ago I did and now I drink a 6 pack a day every day!  I start my morning with 1 cup of coffee and then immediately start in on the diet pepsi.  I drink it throughout the day and night, I always have one by my side.   I can't even leave the house without one,  I take at least one with me and drink it while I'm driving and am at the doctors, or grocery store etc...and if I'm going over to a friend's for dinner or to hang out depending on how long I'll be there I take 3-6 with me!  I have at least one in my purse at all times.

   Besides the issue of it controlling my life it's terrible for me physically!  I'd be better off drinking real soda but it's too sweet, if I really push it I drink 2-3 glasses of water a day MAX!  The caffeine doesn't bother me, I can go to sleep at the drop of a hat.  I feel terrible physically and know if I could just get off the soda I'd feel 100% better!  I'm having more problems with my teeth which have always been an issue but never this bad and I'm sure the soda is causing it!  

     Please don't say "just don't buy anymore", that doesn't work, I crave it constantly, and I think it about it constantly, when I'm out I will go out at 11pm to get more so I have some for morning if I only have 1 left.  It's a true addiction!

     I quit smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day for over 30 years in April 2010 cold turkey with ease after attending an amazing seminar that approached cigarette smoking completely different than any other quit smoking program.  I quit drinking in my late 20's as I had a problem with the help of AA and have been cigarette and alcohol free since.  This diet soda has me beat.  I can't go cold turkey as the lack or less amount of caffeine causes horrific headaches that nothing gets rid of other than caffeine, plus I obsessively think about it and crave it every instant I don't have it!

      Please ladies I'm dead serious, this is a serious addition that is extremely unhealthy!  I'm sure you've heard of how fake sugars cause cancer plus my lack of drinking water and being in a constant state of dehydration is more than likely affecting all my organs.  For those of you that know nothing about addiction just knowing that a drug, alcohol, cigarettes, or diet soda is literally killing you and negatively affecting your life is not enough to make you just stop, if it was we wouldn't have a rampant drug and alcohol problem with people dying daily and or causing unbelievable damage to the users lives.  A 12 step program such as AA is not an option as it is for "those that suffer from alcoholism" NA is for "those struggling with a drug addiction" so that is not an option either.  I'm at the end of my rope. The shame, guilt, embarrassment, and my failure to quit is overwhelming and the fact it is doing horrific and possibly irreversible damage to my precious body scares me to no end!

     If you have any suggestions or if there are others that had this problem and quit I'd love your input!  Ladies please be kind with me!! Yes I'm talking about diet soda and to those that have never struggled with an addiction it sounds ridiculous but an addiction is an addiction and all addictions affect the addicts life negatively and create serious health problems mine included.   Thank you.

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Re: I'm totally addicted, and strung out on diet pepsi and it's killing me. Help please.

[ Edited ]

@judEve, I have heard before about addictive persons. My suggestion is to speak with your doctor and see if he can help and recommend a doctor who can help you with this. caffeine is addictive. That's why headaches happen when you try to quit. Wish you the best, I totally believe you're being honest on this.

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Re: I'm totally addicted, and strung out on diet pepsi and it's killing me. Help please.


It sounds as though you have an addictive personality, with one addiction after the other and this is just the latest one.  Obviously you need help with this, but I'm not sure how you will get it, since I doubt any insurance company is going to recognize addiction to diet soda as a compensable illness.


Is your family aware of this and if so, do they take it seriously?  It's obvious you need help, but I can't imagine how you're going to get it, and hope someone else who sees this post will have some advice for you.


In the meantime, my heart goes out to you.  You sound very desperate.



Formerly Ford1224
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Re: I'm totally addicted, and strung out on diet pepsi and it's killing me. Help please.

[ Edited ]


@judEve  I edited my first post to you....


I use to drink somedays in hot weather 12 cans of Diet Rite Cola.  I decided to stop drinking pop and only tea.  I brew herbal tea enought for several days and refrigerate it.. and I sweeten it with stevia. I  drink this warm and cold.  I have been off diet soda now for almost 4 years. 


 I am also a very addictive personality.  I quit smoking 25 years ago cold turkey and like you was a 2 pack a day smoker. Making changes are life saving many times.  You must value life and health more than the addiction.  My getting into health is also an addiction... supplements and such... but it keeps me on the straight and narrow as far as not allowing bad behaviors to enter my   lifestyle.    I hope you are able to turn things around. You sound like a very strong person. Best to you!

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Re: I'm totally addicted, and strung out on diet pepsi and it's killing me. Help please.

I've heard that realizing you have a problem is the first step.  Perhaps an addiction counselor could recommend a credible 12-step program?  Best of luck to you.

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Re: I'm totally addicted, and strung out on diet pepsi and it's killing me. Help please.

I am so sorry. I think you need to see a Dr ,and explain your problem to them


You might try to find a forum on food addictions ,to see if they can be of some help to you

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Re: I'm totally addicted, and strung out on diet pepsi and it's killing me. Help please.

@judEve wrote:

 This diet soda has me beat.  I can't go cold turkey as the lack or less amount of caffeine causes horrific headaches that nothing gets rid of other than caffeine, plus I obsessively think about it and crave it every instant I don't have it!



If you want to give it up cold turkey, you can give up the soda without giving up the caffeine by swapping for iced tea. That should help with caffeine withdrawal headaches.


Or you can start by drinking less. Consider eliminating one can a week. If you drink 6 a day now, drink only 5 for the next week, then 4 the week after, etc. Slow elimination like that will also prevent the headaches of the caffeine withdrawal. Whenever you obsess about not having it, think about a benefit you'll get by giving it up. Seriously, just being able to carry a handbag not weighed down with 12-oz soda is a benefit.


Part of the addiction is the physical action of having it or drinking something, the ritual, if you will. When you start eliminating, make sure you always have a substitute with you - tea, water with lemon, anything to allow you to perform the same actions without the actual soda. If you drink out of a can and part of the ritual is opening the can, consider buying some LaCroix sparkling waters. Then you'll get the crack of the can, the bubbles, sounds, and spray of the carbonation without the bad stuff.

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Re: I'm totally addicted, and strung out on diet pepsi and it's killing me. Help please.



  My family is not aware of it.  I think when it first started they knew I was drinking diet soda but not to this extent.  They would be horrified and very disappointed.  I have not told them due to the shame and embarrassment. I am single and do not have children.  The few friends that know wish I could/would quit.  Thank you for your kind words.




  Thank you for sharing.  You didn't say how you got over the craving for the carbonation and the overall taste.  Switching to tea is a good suggestion but doesn't deal with my inability to get away from the soda that easily.  I'm really happy for you that you were so easily able to quit soda!  



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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I'm totally addicted, and strung out on diet pepsi and it's killing me. Help please.

@judEve  don't be ashamed. You have come through so much already , hugs to you, my friend

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Re: I'm totally addicted, and strung out on diet pepsi and it's killing me. Help please.

You crave what you consume.

Try some sparkling water, already flavored or flavor it yourself.   You still get the refreshing carbonation.    


It takes will power, you have it, you kicked nicotine.


Best of luck but you do need more help than you can get from this forum.

