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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

Personally for me, I'm counting my blessings! I'm so glad I had what family I have left with us. I don't know what next year will bring, so I'll take what I can for now. We had a wonderful time. This year I didn't feel hurried or rushed. I know the time will come and the time will go, which it did. Again, I just feel lucky this year we had a wonderful time. I'm blessed. I'm lucky.

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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

@lulu2 wrote:

I love the time between Thanksgiving and New Years.  For us Christmas is not just one day, rather a season.  Yes, it's a lot of work, but in my case always appreciated by family and friends.  I have many loved ones I miss terribly but I choose to remember the happy times. I will admit I've shed more than a few tears but I've also laughed a great deal.


I am sorry to read so many do not share my love and enthusiasm for the holidays.  I can honestly say I've never known anyone in RL who has taken down the tree and put all decorations away before New Years.  Every now and then I've seen a tree on the curb a few days after Christmas.  It has always made me sad.

I live in Fl and a lot of snowbirds take down the tree the day after Christmas and head south. So don't feel too sorry for them - they are at the beach or out on the golf course. We are picking up 2 different couples at the airport this weekend.

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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

[ Edited ]

Christmas is my least favorite holiday of all time, I'm relieved it's over as well.

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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

The commercialization of Christmas is what l dislike. Six months of build-up and hype, to the point where it seems impossible for it to live up to expectations.

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~
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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

I totally understand the feelings that some have regarding missing loved ones at Christmas.  I also think others are caught up in the commercialism and the need to have everything "perfect," so it becomes a chore and not a joy.


When I was growing up, my paternal grandparents came for two weeks every year to spend Christmas and New Year's.  They stayed at my aunt's and we had fun doing things like shopping, movies, etc. together.  Then we had Christmas Eve at my aunt's, and Christmas Day dinner at our house.


New Year's Eve we went out to dinner together, and New Year's Day my mom made lasagna (she's Italian) and everyone came over again (aunt, uncle, cousins, grandparents.)


It was a lot of fun and everyone pitched in with bringing food, helping to clean up, etc.  Plus, my paternal family were very easy going people, and did not care or expect everything to be perfect.  They enjoyed all the food and the conversation, games with the kids, etc.


So, I have very happy memories of that.  Now we are a much smaller family, and I admit it is different.


But I still love my Christmas tree.  I start putting it up mid-November, so that by Thanksgiving weekend it's done.  I love the music, gonig to see the Nutcracker, and the lights that people put up on their homes.


For me, it's more of a peaceful and introspective time now.  I reflect on my blessings, and I make sure to think of all those less fortunate and give of my time and money to help as much as possible.



If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.--Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

@Marienkaefer2 wrote:

I totally understand the feelings that some have regarding missing loved ones at Christmas.  I also think others are caught up in the commercialism and the need to have everything "perfect," so it becomes a chore and not a joy.


When I was growing up, my paternal grandparents came for two weeks every year to spend Christmas and New Year's.  They stayed at my aunt's and we had fun doing things like shopping, movies, etc. together.  Then we had Christmas Eve at my aunt's, and Christmas Day dinner at our house.


New Year's Eve we went out to dinner together, and New Year's Day my mom made lasagna (she's Italian) and everyone came over again (aunt, uncle, cousins, grandparents.)


It was a lot of fun and everyone pitched in with bringing food, helping to clean up, etc.  Plus, my paternal family were very easy going people, and did not care or expect everything to be perfect.  They enjoyed all the food and the conversation, games with the kids, etc.


So, I have very happy memories of that.  Now we are a much smaller family, and I admit it is different.


But I still love my Christmas tree.  I start putting it up mid-November, so that by Thanksgiving weekend it's done.  I love the music, gonig to see the Nutcracker, and the lights that people put up on their homes.


For me, it's more of a peaceful and introspective time now.  I reflect on my blessings, and I make sure to think of all those less fortunate and give of my time and money to help as much as possible.



What a lovely comment.  You have the perfect approach to the Christmas season....remember the past, but look to the future.

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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

I am happy when the holidays are over also. I think they never live up to the hype. Also, the marketing companies lead us to belive that everyone's family is perfect. All of the commercials with happy, smiling families leave me to wonder if my family and others I know are abnormal. I get the feeling a lot of us are forced to spend time with people  we are not that happy to be with-and forced to make the most of it. 

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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

@goldensrbest, Happy Birthday! I'm certain your three beautiful pups help you over the holidays! And to think what a blessing it is to be triple-loved.


My extent of decorating this year was to hang a wreath on my front door and put two flameless candles in the window. Very liberating. What I love the most about Christmas is the giving, whether to family and friends, charities, or families in need. Volunteering at local charities throughout the year keeps the joy flowing. If I am happy about one thing with Christmas being over it is that the animal commercials will hopefully lessen, they just hurt too much to watch. When one comes on, I change the channel and give my puppy a big squeeze and remind him how spoiled he is and how fortunate he is that he has such a comfortable life. To him, it is Christmas every day.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop
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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

I'm not all that big on Christmas either. 


I'll let these cats say it for me. LINK



Fortēs fortūna adjuvat
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Re: I'm alway happy when Christmas is over.

@ChancesMom wrote:

I am happy when the holidays are over also. I think they never live up to the hype. Also, the marketing companies lead us to belive that everyone's family is perfect. All of the commercials with happy, smiling families leave me to wonder if my family and others I know are abnormal. I get the feeling a lot of us are forced to spend time with people  we are not that happy to be with-and forced to make the most of it. 



I would have to agree with you.


I think that a lot of people have this Norman Rockwell picture in their heads of carolers going door-to-door singing Christmas songs, everyone is festive and happy, and showing joy and kindness to their fellow human beings, and everyone is hugging everyone, and they are so full of love, and the meals are perfect.


Thing is, that is a fantasy.


Truth is, is just another day, that has it's own share of disappointments.