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Re: I'm Still Stunned.... Warning.... Long explanation.

Terrible experience.  What an annoying guy - Defnitely the wrong personality for dealing with the public.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I'm Still Stunned.... Warning.... Long explanation.



Wow, what a jerk!  I can't believe the owner or manager doesn't know about him.  


My only suggestion is to go on Yelp and look for another breakfast place in your area.  Even a Denney's would be better than dealing with that guy.


Sorry you had to deal with all that.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,515
Registered: ‎08-28-2010

Re: I'm Still Stunned.... Warning.... Long explanation.

Too bad.  I wouldn't go back and I would let the management know exactly why.  If you must go back, ask not to be seated in his section.  And tell your friends to ask not be seated in his section.

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Registered: ‎10-12-2016

Re: I'm Still Stunned.... Warning.... Long explanation.

I waitressed and tended bar full and part time for approximately 20 years in my younger days. I can assure you, I've worked with the best and I've worked with the worst.  Your waiter's attitude was completely uncalled for and out of line.  Like any other job, there are people who have absolutely no business in the hospitality industry.  It takes patience and tolerance to work with the public.  There are people who are demeaning and unkind, but you have to rise above those pitiful little people and remain professional if you want to make money in the restaurant business, and believe me great money can be made. 


My suggestion is to call the owner or manager, explain what happened and let it be known you want never to be waited on again by this guy.  I have a feeling he'll be fired, but that is not because of anything you did and only because of everything HE did.


Lastly, I overtip (in excess of 20%) almost everyone.  The exception to that is exceptionally poor service or rude behavior - and I'll let the server know why their tip is so poor (and I think it's only happened three or four times ever).  I refuse to encourage people to remain in an industry they have no business in.  Just like not all of us are cut out to be a rocket scientists, not everyone is cut out to deal with the public.   Just my two cents.

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: I'm Still Stunned.... Warning.... Long explanation.

It feels awful to be mistreated. He was a jerk and you were a paying customer. Dine elsewhere in a place that knows what great customer service is. IMO

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Registered: ‎03-19-2010

Re: I'm Still Stunned.... Warning.... Long explanation.

First off, I am sorry you had to experience this, and yes it is upsetting when things get confrontational.  


I realize that being a server is a difficult, stressful job, dealing with a wide variety of customer personalities, pressures from the kitchen or management and issues they have no control over.  But they must learn to develop tough skin, broad shoulders, maintain a pleasant attitude and never "diss" the customer.


I normally don't like to develop opinions of people I haven't interacted with, but it seems to me that this individual may have personality/anger control issues.  From your description of his attitude, it wouldn't surprise me that he hasn't had run ins with other customers.


If you and DH still wish to continue going to this restaurant, and he is the server, tell him you would be more comfortable with someone else waiting on you.  If he gives you an attitude with your request, then you should seek out the manager or owner.








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Posts: 9,637
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I'm Still Stunned.... Warning.... Long explanation.

Sorry that you had the bad experience the first time.  Like you, I often give a place a second chance but if it's just as bad the second time....I'll never go back.

And of these places that I never go back to...I've noticed (with some satisfaction) that they tend to go out of business.  

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Registered: ‎03-15-2014

Re: I'm Still Stunned.... Warning.... Long explanation.

After the first incident I would have left, never to return.  It's not worth it to have angry words with a restaurant worker - they can have the last word by sabotaging your food and drink.

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Posts: 17,716
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I'm Still Stunned.... Warning.... Long explanation.

Plus if the person is washing out the cup by hand, I would worry if the plates my food was served on were cleaned properly.


I'd worry about contracting one of the hepatitis diseases at that place.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Posts: 18,504
Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: I'm Still Stunned.... Warning.... Long explanation.

I can only just


Personally, I wouldn't have gone back after the egg white/dirty cup fiasco.


It sounds as if neither the owner not the remaining staff GA* about what happens to the restaurant, so if I were you & hubby I wouldn't care either.


And that guy should never hold any type of service job, ever. OTOH, wouldn'you like to see him pull it at a busy truck stop 😈

Life without Mexican food is no life at all