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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I'm Not a Mother, But………..

…..For all those who are fortunate enough to be mothers, I wish you all a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!{#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I'm Not a Mother, But………..

Krimpette: How nice of you! Thank you!

{{{hugs}}} to those missing a loved one.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I'm Not a Mother, But………..

Nor am I a mother, but I sure miss mine every year at this time, and every other day as well. It is the most difficult and important job in the world. Thank you to all the wonderful Mothers!

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Re: I'm Not a Mother, But………..

Mother's Day Selfie

It's always a victory for me when I remember why I entered a room.
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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: I'm Not a Mother, But………..

i am a mother and grandmother and I say "Thank you!" and wish my own mother and grandmothers were here to celebrate- Those who still have mothers (that they talk to, LOL!) enjoy your time together

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Registered: ‎05-01-2010

Re: I'm Not a Mother, But………..

Love the selfie, very believable royal family impersonators.
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Posts: 2,307
Registered: ‎12-08-2010

Re: I'm Not a Mother, But………..

adelle38 ~ I love the photo. I too want to know if you are related to the Royals. The handsome guy in the back looks just like the Prince!

Thank You Krimpette! I have 6 children, and 3 grandchildren. I wish I still had my Mother with me to enjoy the day.

If you want to change the tenor of your interactions, you must become aware of the impact of your words...Karen Casey