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Re: I just want to talk...okay, maybe vent a little

Oh PurpleBunny...I never said I actually had small boobs...what I said was that I wanted to dress in styles that made my Boobs look bigger while making my waist and hips would appear smaller. In my case a big DD difference. PS...I am saying I have BIG hips....I own it...BIG hips.

I am use to bright lights, but usually because I am the center of attention...just don't like the glare of bright lights while I am driving at night. I think it is rude to drive with you bright lights on in the City. Rudeness appears to be a concept that is not very well understood on these boards.

While I'm here, I might as well vent a little about these boards. I continually ask myself why when an original poster takes the time to start a new thread and asks a specific question there are some folks who feel the need to go off topic, with no apology, and respond with a statement that does not answer the question. It is now becoming clear to me that some on these boards cannot read and others just want to make every thread about themselves as they appear to be craving attention. I ask myself "Why don't they just start their own thread?" Do they fear that no one will want to "visit" their thread?

When I start a thread about venting...I EXPECT others to vent about what is bothering them. I do not think that is rude, I think it is appropriate. I don't like the anti-clumping stuff they add to cheese either.

Well, on a brighter note...the train show was great and I had a really nice steak dinner with my friend. My son's wheelchair basketball team that he coaches won 2nd place this week-end...guess the nightmare has ended at least for me.

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Re: I just want to talk...okay, maybe vent a little

One piece girdle with push up bra.
( \_/ )
( " )_( " )
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Re: I just want to talk...okay, maybe vent a little

On 2/9/2014 judgejudith said:

I have a lot to be thankful for in my life...just did not feel the need to talk about it certainly was not going to vent about it.

Matty6...My patriot of the Revolutionary War was in New Jersey. Just wrote a short story about him for our local Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Omaha Chapter, here in Nebraska. My family arrived in the New World in 1653 and settled in what is now Long Island. He was in the Battle of Monmouth County Courthouse. Have other individuals that I am researching who were out East during the Revolutionary War. I really need to get out your way. I love genealogy! Does anyone want to talk about their ancestors?

Okay, now I'm going to talk about one of my other hobbies....dollhouse miniatures...yes I play with my dollhouse(s)! I make little tiny thing for my little houses. Today I'm going to the Great American Train Show across the river (Missouri). Hoping to get some landscaping ideas. Anyone else participate in this hobby? Will be going to St. Louis this year for the annual "open house" hosted by the St Louis chapter of NAME. I belong to a couple of local clubs and we are working on our tote bag gifts for the St. Louis show...the theme of which is steam/paddle boats. Looking forward to a visit to St. Louis as I also want to visit a historical site there for my genealogy research. Love it when I can combine two of my loves in one trip.

Now, I'm going to brag...we got some snow this past week and I got my show blower out and did the sidewalks of my neighbors who had to go to work...I retired 6 years ago and just thought it would be nice if they came home to clean sidewalks.

I too, hate that the size keeps getting smaller and the price higher! Now, that I'm retired and have more time, I spend a lot of that time reading the labels looking for products made or grown in the USA! I will pay more for a home grown product.

Sick people who work, yuk. Happened to me at the bank. The teller did have hand sanitizer which she did use. I try to remember that folks who are sick would rather be home but can't afford to miss the time off. Which of course, will bring up the topic of the minimum wage. I am tired of hearing about how if we pay people a livable wage prices would have to go up...what would happen if profits decreased ever so slightly? What if a CEO did not make $78M....what if he only made $50M? Could he live on that?

I don't live on a beach, but I do live in a very nice home town. One year I did not close my trunk tightly and the lid popped up while I was Christmas shopping in Target. When I came out an hour later...all my presents were still in my trunk. Speaks a lot about a city...yes the trunk was still open but nothing was taken. Omaha is a fine city to live in. I have visited paradise, but I'm always glad to come home. I enjoy the seasons changing....much easier now that I'm retired.

Did I mention that I have a great part time job? Caregiver to seniors...which is perfect for me as I enjoy talking to older folks and learning of their family history (did I mention I love genealogy) and they teach me things about life. Also, my job provides me with extra spending money, a lot of flexibility in my work schedule so that I can travel and enjoy my job and friends.

More power to you....More then we all needed to know!{#emotions_dlg.sleep}zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Registered: ‎10-21-2010

Re: I just want to talk...okay, maybe vent a little

I didn't take it that the OP wasn't feeling blessed about anything but just sometimes the little annoyances in life annoy her. She is human as we all are and I tend to agree with her. I can find a ton of small minor annoyances that irk me, while it is no way the end of time or my day it is rather annoying though.

It is always good to vent and get it off your chest.

OP I fully understand your frustration.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: I just want to talk...okay, maybe vent a little

On 2/9/2014 judgejudith said:

Also tired of reading about how many people in Timbucktwo are without power. Yes, I am sorry that folks are without power, but I don't need to know.

Wow...what a self-centered person! Are you sure you aren't the real Judge Judy?

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal. ~~ Steve Maraboli