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Posts: 283
Registered: ‎03-10-2011

I had the honor of having two eagles, a Bald Eagle and a Golden Eagle, look at me :-)

I live in an area where there are no eagles. I've been an eagleholic since watching the Decorah Bald Eagle family. The golden eagle eaglet Phoenix and Echo are in Utah. I want to help them so much, specially him who is going through so much physically and emotionally. I want to hold him and tell him he needs to live and take his place flying in the sky. I am sure his care takers tell him all that all the time. Well, I found a small zoo where a lot of non-releasable animals are kept and there are two eagles! One is a Bald Eagle and the other one is a Golden Eagle! The Bald Eagle seems to have cataracts in one eye. The Golden Eagle seems fine but maybe they are using her more as an educational tool. Both seemed content. A special spirit is looking at you when an eagle looks at you. It is a wonderful experience. You know they have extraordinary eyesight so they are really seeing you LOL It was wonderful.

For anyone who is interested, Phoenix is doing relatively good. He has a dedicated team who is taking care of him and a lot of people from all over the country are supporting him with prayers and many financially. It is going to take a lot of money to give him everything that he needs to get well. I am glad. He had a surgery last week and I was showing pictures to someone. A second person asked me in a confused tone if "a bird had surgery". It hurt to hear her say that but I told her that he was worth every penny spent on him. I felt but because of her comment but then I felt bad for her.