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I guess I should tip the delivery guys

We are have new bedroom furniture delivered tomorrow (after a 5 month wait so it could be made) New bed frame which they will put together, nightstand, tall dresser and regular dresser. I will tip them because delivering this stuff will require going up stairs. I was wondering how much I should give this guys. 

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Re: I guess I should tip the delivery guys

Was there mention of a tip being appreciated on any papers you signed for delivery? I have never tipped any delivery people like that--If they are with the place you bought the furniture from, I would maybe call the company and ask---I do tip the movers I have used  the few times I have moved into a new place. I mean, its very generous of you but wonder if it is really neccessary

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Re: I guess I should tip the delivery guys

There may be a "going rate" in your area. IMO, the low end would be $5 a person & $20 a person on the high end (also depends on their courtesy & performance), you may want to offer them each a bottle of water too before they leave

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Re: I guess I should tip the delivery guys

I always tip, especially if they are considerate and careful.  I may be out of touch, but I'm thinking $20-$30.

@Meowingkitty wrote:

We are have new bedroom furniture delivered tomorrow (after a 5 month wait so it could be made) New bed frame which they will put together, nightstand, tall dresser and regular dresser. I will tip them because delivering this stuff will require going up stairs. I was wondering how much I should give this guys. 


Honored Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I guess I should tip the delivery guys

nothing less than $20 for each delivery person and personally i would give more than that, especially if they have to go up and down steps. also offer them a drink......bottled water or soda.....when they are leaving.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: I guess I should tip the delivery guys

I usually tip delivery people $20. each.

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Re: I guess I should tip the delivery guys

I do not automatically tip for deliveries BUT I had a refrigerator delivered in July.  Two delivery men showed up.  I have an older home and the refrigerator would not make it thru the doorway, between the dining room and kitchen so they had to take the doors off the refrigerator.  Then they hooked the water line up, which I didn't expect but appreciated.  I tipped both men $20 each because of the extra work they did!

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Re: I guess I should tip the delivery guys

It may be against company policy for some delivery drivers to take a tip.  I always make sure to have some cold drinks to offer.  

Respected Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: I guess I should tip the delivery guys

Yeah, tip, maybe 10 or even 20 each if they are careful and helpful. They ar3nt getting rich doing this work so it's thoughtful to tip. 

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,593
Registered: ‎06-07-2010

Re: I guess I should tip the delivery guys

At least $20  each person. Also, give each person their own tip. Do not hand the tip to one person expecting that person to divide it.