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Re: I didn't get the job

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Oh and one more thing which I always have is I too was so dissapointed when I wanted a realtor's license, studied hard at night when my husband was working to learn something new as we were getting ready to purchase.


Long tale short, I worked so hard, test day was here.  It was in a Hyatt hotel I believe.  (it's Florida what can I say, lol)


I failed buy 3 points!  I never called hubby driving home on the highway and he knew it I feel to this day.  He knew I didn't make it.


Well I bought tapes, listened and learned more and more and guess what?  2 months later took it again and I passed!  I wasn't going to let anything stop me after the big dissapointment.  Your braver than I for sharing it as I  was devastated but chat rooms were not available in the late 90's. So there my dear.  Keep up with your goals, something is on the horizon for you.

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@Pink123  Thank you very much for your support, advice and kind words, Pink123 Smiley Happy! I really value fitness and I worked harder than ever to get this far in the application process.  Now I'm modifying my workouts for different goals since this career is off the table for now.  I'll definitely consider your advice and look into some type of personal training and I'll also consider other types of jobs that require strength and fitness  too.  Thank you for your input.   It's hard to wrap my head around this loss of the potential  job since I really wanted it, but I'm trying to press forward in life and keep my spirits up as I'm planning a new future with new goals and dreams. Thank you very much, Pink123 Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎04-15-2014

Re: I didn't get the job

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@Pink123 wrote:

Oh and one more thing which I always have is I too was sodissapointedd when I wanted a realtor's license, studied hard at night when my husband was working to learn something new as we were getting ready to purchase.


Long tale short, I worked so hard, test day was here.  It was in a Hyatt hotel I believe.  (it's Florida what can I say,loll)


I failed buy 3 points!  I never called hubby driving home on the highway and he knew it I feel to this day.  He knew I didn't make it.


Well I bought tapes, listened and learned more and more and guess what?  2 months later took it again and I passed!  I wasn't going to let anything stop me after the bigdissapointmentt.  Your braver than I for sharing it as I  was devastated but chat rooms were not available in the late 90's. So there my dear.  Keep up with your goals, something is on the horizon for you.

@Pink123   Wow, thank you so very much for sharing your story, Pink1233 Smiley HappyHeart! I am so impressed by your determination in passing your realtor's license exam! It must've been very upsetting to miss it by only 3 points- but you took it in stride, studied even more, believed in your gifts and brilliance and passed it the second time around with flying colors. I bet you're an amazing realtor! Congratulations to you and all of your success- I'm proud of you Heart


   You know, when I took the two and a half hour long written exam for this job, I failed the first time by only 4 points- I was so upset.  I took it again a few months later after studying some more and I did really well and passed it.  I still remember when I got the passing score email, I surprised my family with the news and we were all so excited.  I will keep up my goals and create new goals and you are so right- something is on the horizon for me and I'm looking forward to it. Thank you so much,Pink1233! Smiley Happy

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@SportyShorty07  How on earth did I miss this post from you?I am really sorry you did not get in the P.A. 
That is their loss not yours.

I would suggest you try the Court Officer Exam.

Do you have School Safety Agents in your city?  We have them in New York City and they are part of the NYPD.

I dropped out of the P.A. after 6 weeks. NYC has a 6 month program.


When I was issued my firearm  for use at the firing range;  I was very uncomfortable carrying it and practicing with it.

You don't get to carry the firearm full time until the very end of the academy.  You continue your training throughout the academy.

I did qualify with it, after the first week of firearm training, but I ended up dropping out, as the whole process became very stressful.


I had 2 kids, a 6 year old and a toddler at the time and I know that also played into the decision of leaving.


It was meant for me to leave the academy, for whatever reason. It was the right decision for me. 
The events of 9/11 happened during the time I would have been on the job.  Only God knows! But that day, everyone who loved me was glad I made that decision.


Within a few years of that experience, with my kids a little older; I ended up working at a school. I've been there 25 years and I love this job. 


You are a smart, tough cookie Sporty. You will perservere.

I am confident you will find what's right for you. 

Again, their loss! 

PS I really enjoy your posts on these threads.



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Registered: ‎06-08-2020

Re: I didn't get the job

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@SportyShorty07  @Pink123 


BTW I failed the exam to become a 411 operator! 😆 I was so 

let down. 

But I did pass the Notary if you need anything notarized 📞 

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Registered: ‎04-15-2014

Re: I didn't get the job

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@KBEANS  Thank you so very much for your advice and for the story about your experience in the NYPD police academy, KBEANS Smiley HappyHeart.  Its a very interesting persepctive to hear your story of making it to the academy and how you ultimately realized that it wasn't something that you wanted to go forward with at a certain point.   You gave it your very best shot and you were/are very self aware and insightful to check in with your thoughts and feelings throughout the academy and come to that decision.  You didn't take your decision lightly and you should be very proud of yourself for making it as far as you did.  I'm really proud of you for being a part of the academy and for doing your very rewarding career now.  You picked the right career at the school and it has given you a lot of joy, success and pride for the last 25 years- that is such great news to hear Smiley Happy


   My background investigator asked me during the interview if I have physical combat and firearm experience and I answered yes to both since I wrestled and boxed for years and I trained in firearms at the gun range for hours each day for a couple of months on the east coast.  I really wanted this job opportunity and I tried my best- I'll always be proud of myself for trying as hard as I did during this process.  I think that your tips on where to apply are very good tips and thank you very much for sharing your story and kind words.  I really enjoy reading your posts too Smiley Happy!

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Registered: ‎04-15-2014

@KBEANS wrote:

@SportyShorty07  @Pink123 


BTW I failed the exam to become a 411 operator! 😆 I was so 

let down. 

But I did pass the Notary if you need anything notarized 📞 

@KBEANS  That's the spirit Smiley Very Happy! Congratulations on passing the notary exam- I'll definitely keep you in mind if I need anything notarized Smiley Very Happy