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I'd pay more for a satellite company/cable company that would offer commercial free TV!

I am so fed up with TV commercials......I can't think of one instance where I've bought anything because of a TV commercial.......I swear they're trying to beat you into submission by fast loud hyper talking played louder (and yes, I swear they're as loud as they were before or they've turned up the treble to grate on your last nerve) to get you to buy something. TV shows have less and less of actual show and more and more commercials.....anyone else getting fed up??

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Re: I'd pay more for a satellite company/cable company that would offer commercial free TV!

I have sold TV commercials for over 20 years.

You would be surprised at how many people buy from TV - it is the most powerful form of advertising around.

It combines sight, sound and movement...

They CAN be overdone (which is why GEICO has so many types of commercials - to prevent burnout).

But it costs a ton on money to reach that point.

TV advertising provides the cash needed to produce the shows you watch (even on pay TV - the costs are too high for subscribers only to underwrite programming)...just like the intrusive ads on FB pay for your free membership.

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Re: I'd pay more for a satellite company/cable company that would offer commercial free TV!

Yes, I am fed up, but without commercials to pay for the air time, we wouldn't have any shows. I also hate that the volume goes up on most of them, instead of staying the same. It is very hard to report these violations, look at the FCC website for the standards.


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Re: I'd pay more for a satellite company/cable company that would offer commercial free TV!

ITA hulagirl. I always watch TV with the remote close by. I mute the commercials or fast-forward through them when we watch something on Tivo.

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Re: I'd pay more for a satellite company/cable company that would offer commercial free TV!

On 8/5/2014 Mama Mia said:

Yes, I am fed up, but without commercials to pay for the air time, we wouldn't have any shows. I also hate that the volume goes up on most of them, instead of staying the same. It is very hard to report these violations, look at the FCC website for the standards.


Commercials that are notably louder than programming are usually local commercials.

Commercial insertion equipment is now done through electronic files and there are supposed to be modulators to keep the audio at acceptable levels. Some of this modulation work is done by real human being type technicians, who may make a mistake now and then.

Call your local station if you spot a loud commercial - they will probably thank you!

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Re: I'd pay more for a satellite company/cable company that would offer commercial free TV!

I long ago reached the gag-point for cable costs, and don't intend to pay more for anything.

What worries you masters you.
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Re: I'd pay more for a satellite company/cable company that would offer commercial free TV!

TV is getting to be just one big commercial, anyway. I am so tired of seeing "Paid Programming" on nearly every station.

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Re: I'd pay more for a satellite company/cable company that would offer commercial free TV!

Since we DVR all of our programming, as far as I am concerned there are no commercials. These devices are not exclusively used to "time shift" programming, they also are quite good at bypassing commercials.

If you are now paying for cable or satellite I am assuming you have access to a DVR from that company. Since you would pay extra for commercial free? If you don't have a DVR because of cost? Simple answer as I see it.

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Re: I'd pay more for a satellite company/cable company that would offer commercial free TV!

That's why I won't give up my TiVo. I can zap through the commercials.
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Re: I'd pay more for a satellite company/cable company that would offer commercial free TV!

Love my DVR. I fast forward through all the commercials.