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Re: I bet buffet restaurants

We have several Asian buffets in our area. 

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Re: I bet buffet restaurants

@Pook wrote:

@Shanus   That is why I stated that all you can eat with servers bringing what you want would not be hard to do and actually be less time for worlkers not to have to constantly keep checking and refilling buffets.  Never meant that to be an issue to having all you can eat!!!

@Pook   If I understand what you mean, it's no longer a buffet. Servers are really waiting on you and you're asking them what to bring you. That's a sit down, order from the menu restaurant, no?

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Re: I bet buffet restaurants

@Shelbelle wrote:

We have several Asian buffets in our area. 

@Shelbelle   Several here, too. Two are boarded up and will not re-open. 

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Re: I bet buffet restaurants

Oh ya - good thought! Back in the day, I went to a great buffet restaurant weekly. We never thought twice about it. And now, the thought of being in a restaurant without a mask scares me. So many businesses are going to go under, sadly. 

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Re: I bet buffet restaurants

I am a bit phobic about food poisoning and swore off all Chinese restaurants permanently after two nasty bouts of illness from two different places. I love the food but I'mnot having it. Won't go through that again.


So it's strange that the only restaurant I've been going to, once a month with relatives, is a buffet-style place. It's clean and well run, relatively few children, and I hope they convert to a cafeteria-style operation to save the firm. I can see it working, and it would be kind of fun, like school days. 


I think regardless of the restaurant, diners would be wise to bring their own condiments, utensils, and napkins, as well as wipes and disposable towels. I do not see any fine dining experiences possible in the near future. Let's hold out hope that medical discoveries might make it possible to restore some of what looks lost at the moment.

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Re: I bet buffet restaurants

I have been to 3 buffet restaurants in the past 25 years. And just watching the people made me not care to go back. Two times (Disney and local Chinese restaurant) they were serving King Crab legs. People were piling as much as they could fit on the plate. It was like watching a feeding frenzy. 


The other time I went to Golden Corral and met friends for breakfast. It was a calm and enjoyable experience. The restaurant closed shortly after that and became an Outback.


I will not miss buffets.

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Re: I bet buffet restaurants

@SharkEI bet even if I saw one open, I would not eat there.  Some things that made perfect sense to me at one time no longer do.

Posts: 72
Registered: ‎08-03-2013

Re: I bet buffet restaurants

I received a e-mail from Soup Plantation/Sweet Tomatoes that they will be closing ...our first stop on our yearly trip to New Mexico after getting the rental car was at Sweet Tomatoes on San Mateo Blvd, after a very early day traveling from NC it was always a welcome stop....great variety of fresh food, local favorites and great staff, never disappointed so sorryfor the workers and customers...think I will miss the tuna tarragon the most, maybe someday they can reorganize and reopen.

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Re: I bet buffet restaurants

There’s a local chain here that’s kind of like a salad bar Chipotle style. You tell the line worker what you want and they mix it in a bowl like a chopped salad.
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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: I bet buffet restaurants

@stevieb wrote:

I'd guess perhaps those buffet style eateries, whether chain, franchise or stand alone, that are sound financially will probably try alternative ways of serving the food rather than just pull up their tents and go home... I see someone mentioned one of them was trying cafeteria style, which makes sense... I wish there were some good cafeterias around, but it seems like they all got more more or less phased out...



We still have a cafeteria chain here called Luby's...the one nearest where I live does a good business .....the food is good....


I've never liked buffet restaurants....It made me wonder  what hotels will do about their "free" breakfast buffets, will they continue, or go back to a more traditional restaurant set up....but I dont plan to do any traveling anytime soon to find out....

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