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Registered: ‎09-12-2010

I almost died in my job,I was called th attention for being sick,what do you think?

I suffered from a condition Hereditary Idiopathic Angioedema( a condition when you suffer from severe allergic reactions,and don't know the cause),I'm a Registered Nurse working in Managed Care,last October I went to work,and bout 9:30 am I was not feeling well,a sensation I couldn't breath,a itchy sensation around my neck,I was on a medical-surgical unit,when suddenly I could'd breath,my trachea was closing,i call a nurse ,she sreamed to the doctors,every body rushed,the Emergency Team was called,they brought me to this bed I had all this doctors around me,I'm telling them I need epinephrine,apparently the Emergency Team lef or did't have the medication,on the unit the nurses didn't open the cardiac arrest cart,i'm there I can't breath,a doctor examined me "her trachea is closing",we need an extubation tube,i was so freightened,I told them,well I scream No!!!I need an epinephrine,I'm ver much aware of my treatment,this something don't happened to me often.No Epinephrine,they got me out of the bed put in a wheelchair and took me to the Emergency Room,still I'm like a ballom from the swelling,full of hives blisters,unable to breath,a doctor started to asked me some questions,i beg him please i need my epinephrine,i felt torture,but i was there in my job.Finally they gave me my medications,the blisters started to open i started to bleed,my watch is stock in my skin,a co-worker came to see got scared ask my boos to come down,she came and told me"you are fine"everybody around look at her.Because the delay in my treatment my swellling,hives took longer to disapear,I couldn't go to work,for 3 days,I couldn't look at myself,psychologically I was very affected,I almost died in my job,I'm so sick.Yesterday my manager spoke to me about my sick time,i disagreed that she was calling me the attention for this incident,I'm rememering,i was ready to go into respiratory Failure,look like a monster,and she is calling me the attention.I'm angry,devastated,and realize is impossible if in America employers continue to abuse their employess like this.My boss when question agreed they have to call me the attention because"i almost day"Maybe this is not the best Community Board,but is a way of tlaking to someoneDid you ever live an experience like this?Say something to me,I need some words.!!!!!