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That would have made me mad too.  Not sure though if i would have confronted him.  Too many unbalanced people out there.

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One of the reasons doctor's don't move their practice despite the nightmare parking is for patients is the cost of renting somewhere else.


Real estate is not cheap. That cost to relocate to a newer place with a parking garage/lots of parking places is going to be passed on via their office costs and you'll see it. Maybe not in your bill (depending on your age or what insurance you have) but maybe by not being able to get a human on the phone...records taking forever to be sent....Rx's not called in quickly....not taking certain insurance plans (that'll hit you where it hurts).


There's no easy answer OTHER than people not being rude when it comes to parking. But let's get real: it's the rude ones that get what they want every time. Being nice? Not so much, sadly.l

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I would have been rip roaring mad too but it's entirely possible he didn't see you waiting for that spot.  He saw an open spot and zoomed in like all of us would have.  I read newspapers and I know about the violence in our society today so there is NO WAY in this world that I would have confronted him over something trivial like this.  

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I, unlike you, would confront someone, in this particular type of instance, that would do that to me. If they refused to move their vehicle and wait their turn?  Me, I am not concerned about "his" handicap, I am only concerned for about the handicap of whomever I am taking to the doctor.


My usual means in the waiting room? I would again confront him, loudly enough so most in that room would hear me, and use every negative term(no cussing) I know during my speel.


How long? Until an office staff or security guard prevented me from continuing. But, knowing me? It ain't over? This A** hole would find a problem when he went back to his vehicle. What? I ain't tellin, but he will not like it, and it is nothing illegal. This A** may think twice before pulling this s**t on another person.





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@KringleB wrote:

Can your mom get a handicapped placard since she uses a walker. Parking may be much easier with that and she can use that while she's with you. 

@KringleB, she does have a handicap placard. There use to be one spot in the lot that was a handicapped space. Someone may have hit the sign, it was never replaced, and the spot was done away with, anyone can park there.

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@SeaMaiden wrote:

@Perkup wrote:

At my age I am forced to go to a number of different specialists to deal with a multitude of health issues  Parking issues differ, but they exist everywhere.  You state that this was an "old guy".  I 'm an "old gal" and I know that if I encountered you sitting in a parking lot I might well assume that you were waiting for someone to meet you after their appointment was over. Not necessarily that you were waiting for a parking spot. Did you have a blinker on or were you just sitting there? How could he know your car was running?


You may be fortunate enough to be an "old gal" one day. (unless getting this upset over nothing  causes a heart attack). Either way this "old guy" needed to get in for his appointment. Given an empty space that he could get to, I can't say he did anything wrong.  Try to find something worthwhile to freak out over. You'll live longer.  And really you didn't have to look at his face - pick up a magazine or something.

@Perkup  You sound like an angry Old Gal at that.


  When he heard her say  that was the space she had been waiting for for a long time, a  real gentleman would have apologized and gave her the spot.  I guess he was just a mean OLD ****.

Sorry, there's nothing angry about me.  But I do get very tired of people pointing fingers at older people.  If I saw her sitting in the parking lot, I would assume she was waiting for someone - not for a parking spot.  Had her blinker been on I might have thought that she wanted to park.

People need to settle down and go with the flow. Life's short - soon she'll be old too if she's lucky.

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Handicap parking in our city, is required by law, to have only 10% of the available parking stalls, in any parking lot or garage. Unless the doctors own the parking lot? Sure, they could contact the owner of the property, but from there, it's up to the owner.


Many doctors offices I visit seem to have the same problem, as do grocery and other stores, when it comes to "handicap" parking. Don't know what the laws are in any city but the one in which we visit/pay their taxes, but cannot vote(we do not live in the city), that is the law.





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Re: I Need To Vent

[ Edited ]

John (@hckynut) I agree. I would probably have said something to the rogue parker if I spotted him in the waiting room, too.  Not something too harsh, I hope.  I might have said something, for instance, to the nurse as I was checking in. 


"Sorry we are late.  I came early and we have been waiting quite a while for a parking space and one of your patients raced around me and took my parking space!"

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@Burnsite wrote:

John (@hckynut) I agree. I would probably have said something to the rogue parker if I spotted him in the waiting room, too.  Not something too harsh, I hope.  I might have said something, for instance, to the nurse as I was checking in. 


"Sorry we are late.  I came early and we have been waiting quite a while for a parking space and one of your patients raced around me and took my parking space!"

@Burnsite, I actually did tell the staff what happened, they thought it was terrible. I knew which doctor he was seeing and his appointment time ( a patient in the waiting room was taking a survey), the receptionist told me his name.

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Re: I Need To Vent

[ Edited ]

I would ask the doctor or whoever is in charge of the office about the parking situation. Ask for their suggestion if you are unable to find a parking spot and miss your scheduled appt.....some places charge you the price of an office visit if you are late. They need to consider the patients they expect to come to their office and accommodate their parking needs. DH has a handicapped parking tag and must park close to the door due to a bad leg..... can't tell you how many places are in violation of the law that requires a certain number of handicapped parking spaces based on the size of the regular public parking spaces they have....sometimes we find two handicapped spaces out of hundreds of other spaces....and this was at the hospital! Smh