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Re: I Have a Confession to Make

I've never tasted coffee in any form.

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Re: I Have a Confession to Make

Never even had a latte, pumpkin or any flavor

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Re: I Have a Confession to Make

Never had one or wanted one either, @Anonymous032819 

If I want pumpkin plus calories, I'll choose pie or maybe a scone. 
(Not a fan of a lot of spice, either.)

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: I Have a Confession to Make

@Anonymous032819 ....I'm the same, I would not try the drink but I do love a blizzard - but I only eat the small one...way to many calories.


So to answer the question, I eat what I really want but if the items is really high in fat/calories, I purchase the smallest I can buy or only eat half.

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Re: I Have a Confession to Make

Pumpkin spice is cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg.  There is no pumpkin in it.


I never use it, not even when I make pumpkin desserts. I love pumpkin, but not the canned stuff...real pumpkin only.


I have never tried Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew or beer.  Well, I tasted them and spit it out..yuck.

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Re: I Have a Confession to Make

I don't care for coffee. I do make an exception for mocha, because everything is better with chocolate. 

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: I Have a Confession to Make


@Carmie wrote:

Pumpkin spice is cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. There is no pumpkin in it.



I didn't know that.

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Re: I Have a Confession to Make

I have never tried one either  I only like pumpkin in a pie or cake, etc.  I like my coffee regular with milk - my joy in the morning when I get up and read my emails.

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Re: I Have a Confession to Make

i don't like anything pumpkin! except the one you carve and put a candle in!!

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Re: I Have a Confession to Make

@Anonymous032819 wrote:

I have never had a pumpkin spice latte.


All I can think about is all of the sugar and calories in one of those things.  


A Grande has 380 calories, and a whopping 50 grams of sugar!😮



Is there something that everyone else seems to love, that you have never tried?

I've had all the delicious lattes and Frappuccino's in the past.  Real treats!  

however, with age and my metabolism slowing down, I need to avoid empty calories more than ever now.


I feel deprived.🥴