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Re: I Can’t Believe What I’m Hearing

@Spurt ..... Thank you. So true 

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Re: I Can’t Believe What I’m Hearing

@Sheila P-Burg wrote:



@grandma petes  ..... Why would you delete your post? You are allowed your opinion. If some do not like your opinion instead of negatively posting a   response they need to do what has been repeatedly said . .. do not read and move on. Please do not let others influence your right to an opinion and continue to post. I like reading others opinions that are different than mine. 



Thank you. I guess I didn't want to start something that might snowball. I usually try to only post positive threads, but I was just so dumbstruck by what that young woman was saying...but, you're right, everyone has an opinion and I appreciate you reaching out.😊😊

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Re: I Can’t Believe What I’m Hearing

@Spurt wrote:

@DottieBlue wrote:

I think this young lady has a bright future ahead of her as a host on a conservative media channel!



More like a Joy Behar clone... 

Joy doesn't believe the virus is fake news

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Re: I Can’t Believe What I’m Hearing

@Moonlady wrote:




From Dr. Phil to politics...Some people just can't help themselves.



From a pandemic to Fake News....some people just can't help themselves.

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Re: I Can’t Believe What I’m Hearing

Just one of the reasons I don't watch Dr. Phil.  There are many more.  Watched a few times and that was enough.  I think he's a quack and in it for the $$$.

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Re: I Can’t Believe What I’m Hearing

I watched this yesterday, could not bear another day of her.  I have a son who is almost 20 and an 18 year old daughter.  She does not represent this entire generation.  She is self-absorbed, obnoxious and entitled.  I wish that Dr. Phil did not give her a platform to further propogate her B.S.  


This young woman clearly has deep issues and will eventually wake up and realize it is not all about her.  Florida should never have allowed this Spring Break situation to go on the way that they did.  


There are students that showed up on campus with Covid-19.  Boston College has several students that have tested positive.  This girl need to open her eyes and be silenced with no platform.