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@MyGirlsMom wrote:

@jaxs mom wrote:

Mine is blind when it comes to finding anything. Even if it's right in front of his face. Even if I say it's on the second shelf on the left side. 

@jaxs mom


LOL it's a running joke at our house. He even says, you know I can never find anything. 



The other one is, "but you do it so much better". He says, that he heard to say that when you don't want to do it yourself. This was after I commented that no one eats fruit in our house unless I cut it up first. 

Don't Change Your Authenticity for Approval
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i get accused of that by my wife all the time.

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@Pooky1 wrote:

i get accused of that by my wife all the time.



Woman Happy

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i allways tell my wife . i cant imagin people that dont know how to use anything in the kitchen or cook anything.thank god we both know how to do everything in a kitchen and every where else.

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my husband does cook, and I too have every pot-pan-cutting board used. one year he made stuffing for thanksgiving meal. it took me 3 hours to clean up his mess. he is an excellent cook, just a messy one.


same way with tp.  won't change the roll if the roll runs out.



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me and my wife both cook. i do all kitchen clean up dishes counters stove. i do it because i like to. she allways asks me what i want her to do and i allways say nothing im fine i got it.

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@Pooky1 wrote:

me and my wife both cook. i do all kitchen clean up dishes counters stove. i do it because i like to. she allways asks me what i want her to do and i allways say nothing im fine i got it.



you're a prince

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We just celebrated 40 years of wedded bliss!🙄 There is not enough space here to enumerate all of his endearing qualities! I will say I'm jealous that your dh leaves tp on the roll! Cardboard isn't as absorbent as it used to be!😉

Never underestimate the power of kindness.
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@Imadickens wrote:

We just celebrated 40 years of wedded bliss!🙄 There is not enough space here to enumerate all of his endearing qualities! I will say I'm jealous that your dh leaves tp on the roll! Cardboard isn't as absorbent as it used to be!😉



Woman LOLWoman LOLWoman LOL

Keep Your Face To The Sunshine and You Will Not See The Shadow
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He cooks which is good and like most men messes up everything but he has to use the biggest pot, biggest cutting boards, largest frying pan etc.  It takes up so much room in dishwasher.  If he was going to cut an apple he will drag out a huge cutting board.  

He has never understood how things dry.  Things don't dry in a wad.  When he cleans the kitchen he puts everything in dishwasher and never wipes a counter.  Everytime I walk into the kitchen I automatically grab the dishrag and wipe.  Every coupon, receipt, mail etc. lands on the kitchen island.  I keep telling him if it is important put it in a special place and if not throw away.  When he cannot find something then I am blamed for throwing his stuff away.  I have always thought it would be perfect  for us to have a duplex so we could live in the same house but have our own area.