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Along with hummingbirds, I've been watching woodpeckers and Baltimore Orioles visiting the feeder!  Awesome sight since I'm recovering from knee replacement surgery....sometimes it's the little things that make you feel better!

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If you love watching those hummers as much as I do you should get this fountain at Kmart! Red to attract them and  they love bathing in it.Looks like this and a video on the tube shows how much they like it. I posted this before but for all those who love hummingbirds this is a must have!

Essential Garden Red Glazed Pot Fountain

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We have also seen woodpeckers and orioles at our feeders. It is so pleasant to see all the birds at our feeders.

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SilkyK - I love that!   I think all of our Kmarts around here have died, though.


I love hummingbirds.   I purchased some sort of feeder thing about 8 years ago and my husband was going to put it up for me in a place where I could attract them and take pics.   Well, that never happened.  


Hummingbirds are unique.  That is one of the things I like about them - aside from the fact that they are so tiny and cute.  Smiley Happy

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Just saw my first hummer at my house since we moved in 2 1/2 years ago. It was feeding on some orange geraniums and totally bypassed the feeder I faithfully tend.
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Essential Garden Red Glazed Pot has these.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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@silkyk wrote:

If you love watching those hummers as much as I do you should get this fountain at Kmart! Red to attract them and  they love bathing in it.Looks like this and a video on the tube shows how much they like it. I posted this before but for all those who love hummingbirds this is a must have!

Essential Garden Red Glazed Pot Fountain

OMG, that video is so darn cute. I turn my sprinkler on to let the hummers fly through and bathe, but had no idea that they would do something like this. I found this on and might just have to order one. Thank you for posting.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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I love the hummingbirds that come to my feeders. Some are so small it's unbelievable.  We have all the wonderful birds,too.  They give you so much peace and pleasure watching them.I hope your knee recovery continues well, @nana59!

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Re: Hummingbird Feeder

[ Edited ]

We only have hummingbirds during the Spring and Fall migration periods. They don't breed in our area. On the positive side to that, it makes for easy documenting (counts/timelines/etc)!

For example, during last year's Fall migration we had them from July 30th - October 9th.

We are anticipating our 1st migrator in just a couple of weeks...can't wait!

Here are a few of my fave pics from last Fall...


A Goldfinch eyeing a Hummingbird in our garden...



Perched 8' high in our Sunflowers with a Monarch nearby...



Party time...


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Posts: 8,913
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

@silkyk wrote:

If you love watching those hummers as much as I do you should get this fountain at Kmart! Red to attract them and  they love bathing in it.Looks like this and a video on the tube shows how much they like it. I posted this before but for all those who love hummingbirds this is a must have!

Essential Garden Red Glazed Pot Fountain

@silkyk  Thank you for posting the video and info,,,I just ordered one!!! Smiley Very Happy