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Re: How warm / cold do you keep your house?

A heat pump is not recommended for cold climates, only for those in a moderate climate.


A heat pump is what I have here in the South, it's perfect for us.   For some reason, the HVAC folks have been pushing heat pumps for cold climates.    I don't understand enough to know why, I've just always heard heat pumps in the south, electric furnace in the north.


My house is not large & all on one floor, most of the time, I use my natural gas infrared heater.   It works without electricity.    It's much better than forced air on my sinuses.  Some people think they are ugly but the heat is so wonderful & cheap.



infrared heater.jpg




@Nonametoday wrote:

Well, if you live in the north you probably don't know what a heat pump is.  I wish someone had told me about 6 years ago about them before that forked-tongue salesman got to my husband.


Very expensive.  Worst thing I ever owned.  I keep the thermostat (nowadays) on 75.  It is hot all over two sides of my house and the other sides are cold as ice. 


My bedroom faces northwest and of course, there is not much sun on that side of the house during the winter days (and none at night) but there is a lot of heat there in the afternoon in summer. 


I have to have my heat on 75 or I would freeze to death at night.  I can turn it to 68-70 during the day when I am busy and I am on the east or southeast side of the house.  The guest bedrooms are on the northwest side as well.


My bedroom is equally hot in the summer and I have to keep the A/C on 68 in order not to sweat all night while the rest of the house is cold.  


MORAL OF THE STORY:  Never buy a heat pump.


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Re: How warm / cold do you keep your house?

68 degrees during the winter, 74/75 during the summer. I live in North Texas. Use ceiling fans during the summer with the A/C. Duraflame in the sunroom during the winter, gas fireplace in main living room on occasion. Gas furnace.


My bedroom is in the northeast corner of the house with two exterior walls, so it gets chilly in the winter. Just have a few extra blankets on the bed and I'm fine.

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Re: How warm / cold do you keep your house?

In the winter my living room fluctuates from 68-70 and my bedroom is 62-64.  In the summer, I keep my central air at 74 or 75.

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Re: How warm / cold do you keep your house?


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Re: How warm / cold do you keep your house?

I am comfortable at 68 in the winter, but hubby likes it at 70, I also like to turn my heat down at night, but don't do it because hubbyis always cold! 


My daughter and her husband turn theirs down to 65 and leave it at that no matter how cold it gets!  

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Re: How warm / cold do you keep your house?

Thermostat is currently set at 70. The 60's would be way too cold for me.  

A/C is set at 76 during the summer. 

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Re: How warm / cold do you keep your house?

At night (here in the midwest) we keep it at 68-69.  During the day 70-71. Once in a while, on a cold "blizzardy" day, I hike it up to 72.  Anymore than that and we get too hot.

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Re: How warm / cold do you keep your house?

70* in winter months; 78* in summer months


Years ago the heating person told me not to turn down the thermostat at night 'cause when turned up would use more oil 'cause it would be running more so you're not really saving anything although it would be colder at night!  Made sense to me, so I always leave it the same day or night.

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Re: How warm / cold do you keep your house?

[ Edited ]

Doesnt get that cold here in Texas been in the 50's/60's  during the day---but at night its been hoovering around the freezing mark.... I like it cool so keep my temperature set at 68 during the day/64 at night.. If it gets down into the 20's I'll turn the heat up to 70 to warm the house up a bit to keep pipes from freezing (thats what we have to do in Texas) but then will turn the thermostat back down to 64 and snuggle under my plush velvet Bershire blanket.....


In the summer I keep my A/C set at 74...when we have heat warnings and "conservation days" to prevent blackouts I turn it up to 78 ...... 

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Re: How warm / cold do you keep your house?

@LonestarBabs wrote:

68 degrees during the winter, 74/75 during the summer. I live in North Texas. Use ceiling fans during the summer with the A/C. Duraflame in the sunroom during the winter, gas fireplace in main living room on occasion. Gas furnace.


My bedroom is in the northeast corner of the house with two exterior walls, so it gets chilly in the winter. Just have a few extra blankets on the bed and I'm fine.

North East Texas Woman LOL

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