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Registered: ‎05-15-2016

Re: How much time Do You spent ON LINE each day?

Honestly, some days it’s all day!  Lol


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Posts: 18,504
Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: How much time per day are you ON LINE?

@software wrote:

I'm online all day.

I first discovered the internet, I know at least 20 years ago and I've been hooked in some form or fashion since.


I mostly listen to the radio, some local, some not

I check FB and other sites, check bank balance, this site, other forums, new sites, weather sites.  Messaging family & friends.


Yep, I'm hooked.


It is a great tool, depends on how you use it.


I do not want an intervention!!

It's how I stay in touch with the world.


@SeaMaiden wrote:

Desk top,  iPad, Phone.... have you ever figured out how much time you spend a day on your device of choice?


For me I know it is a major part of my day.  I do not have a phone.... but I  do use a desk top and an iPad....  I am not working anymore... so I spend at least an hour and a half on the desk top each morning... ordering  stuff etc.  Then I probably spend scattered throughout the day another  three hours on my iPad... an hour here a few minutes there etc.    So total I spend added up about 4 almost 5 hours of my waking day on my devices. OH MY!Woman Surprised


 I know I am addicted  my electronic devices.   They must fill a pleasure spot in the brain... like a drug or smoking or some other habits we pick up.  Getting everything instantly...   Like  TV and having it on all day long in the background.... or on my walks outside listening to talk  news radio with my headphones... I am always connected. Robot Embarassed


Maybe a good new Year resolution for me might be to DISCONNECT  one day a week... it would be very very hard, but, maybe It would be eye opening to be more present.... and not connected to the Internet.  THAT would be harder for me than going on a diet.... seriously!  




I’m with you both. I’m been in love with the internet since I got my first PC in about 1992-1993, and well before the I-don’t-get-it-so-I-don’t-want-it-and-it-must-be-evil crowd started insisting that there was Something Defective in those who enjoy being online.


Discussion groups in various places on various topics to participate in. Being able to find the answer to almost any question in minutes if not seconds. Being able to find, and have delivered to my door, items which cannot be found locally. Consuming media. Staying informed on a wide variety of subjects and areas the local or national new does not cover. Do my banking. Checking out a restaurant’s reviews and menu before I try it.


I’m now retired, and have physical limitations. I can’t “just go” out and hike, exercise, volunteer, or “get a life.” I have a pretty rounded and full online life that entertains and informs me.


It’s the fear and loathing of the internet by those who can’t actually deal with learning to use a device or navigate the web, yet avow that they “have better things to do” or they “have friends and family (and a life)” that cracks me up. Say you “don’t like” it all you want, we both know that’s BS - some people can’t cut it online. Not bright enough, plain and simple.


Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Posts: 19,543
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: How much time Do You spent ON LINE each day?

I still work, so I would say maybe about 2-3 hours each day during the week, but on weekends-none! My weekends are super busy with our grandchildren, church, shopping,etc......


So I NEVER check the computer on weekends......My 2-3 hours each day is sporadic, as I will take a peek for a few minutes here and there.......


In the evenings after work, I prefer to watch T.V. for a bit as I am on a computer all day at work....    

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Posts: 16,635
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: How much time per day are you ON LINE?

[ Edited ]

@ALRATIBA wrote:

I spend a lot of time online ... other than "social" type stuff ....


  • ..... working on several research projects ... hours at a time.
  • ..... attend webinairs a couple of times a week ... generally 90 min to 2 hours duration
  • .....  listen to podcasts of previously attended webinars or those I missed.



could this could this count as a webinar?Cat Tongue

I learn a lot here 



  no idea why there is a spoiler