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I thought I had to go to the bathroom. The nurse and my husband were helping me get out of bed. I sat up and felt the baby coming out. That's how fast it happened.
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A friend of mine gave birth in a car.

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On 1/25/2015 Melania2 said:

You're a nurse right?

I am, but it sure wasn't MY experience!

Wish it was!!


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A public bathroom wins, IMHO.

There's hot water to wash your hands and sterilize things, warm & cold water for other stuff, more room to get into the best position, and the chance that a nurse/doc/EMT/cop/fireman/doula in the store could help.

Blessings to the whole family, and a cool tale as well. 8)

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My ex mother in law (from first marriage) had all 8 kids in no time as in minutes of labor! One was born in an elevator!

Me on the other hand, was in labor 13 hours with EACH of my 2 children. (2nd child was an emergency C section).

Oh well some just have it easier than the rest of us. lol. Well good for them!

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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I had a 41 hour labor with my first one. It took almost a full three hours to push her out. My other deliveries were C-sections. My pregnancies became harder, not easier, for me.

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On 1/25/2015 Sushismom said:

Think of the mess in the back seat.

My sister barely made it to the ER for her third. They lived about 10 minutes from the hospital.

That's exactly where my mind went! You can mop up a bathroom. the car would be ruined!

But mentioned...there is more space in a bathroom, plus water for cleaning up.

And my labors were very long, but my mom had me (her 3rd) right after going through the door of the hospital. Her labor lasted about 1 hour.

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Registered: ‎09-28-2010
On 1/25/2015 Shorty2U said:

My ex mother in law (from first marriage) had all 8 kids in no time as in minutes of labor! One was born in an elevator!

Me on the other hand, was in labor 13 hours with EACH of my 2 children. (2nd child was an emergency C section).

Oh well some just have it easier than the rest of us. lol. Well good for them!

My 2nd was born at a military hospital, no private room or even semi-private room after the birth. As I already posted, I was only in the hospital about 5 minutes before my son started coming. When I was moved to the ward, all the women there were chattering about "did you hear about the woman who delivered a 10 pound baby in 5 minutes? God I h8 her" You bet I didn't say a word!!!

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Registered: ‎03-25-2012

I had four babies in four and a half years. My water broke first every single time. Labor 18 hours with the first, eight hours with the second, four hours with the third, and two hours with the fourth. We always got to the hospital on time . . . in fact my first child was born while I was in the hospital visiting my sick mother-in-law when my water broke while I was sitting in the chair! They just wheeled me upstairs, everyone was laughing about how I was in the right place at the right time! However, that was a long labor and what they call a "dry birth." Not fun.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986