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How do u continue learning Cell Phone Capabilities?

Looking for how u continue to learn more and more capabilities on yr Cell Phone?


TIA (Thanks In Advance)

(Pls note: My nick is in progress: - formerly  ~ MakeUp Maidn, briefly, 411 13 I 5 (-> All His), Seeking New Nickname, now testing:  JoyFilled Warrior

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Re: How do u continue learning Cell Phone Capabilities?

@JoyFilled Warrior  Cell phones to me are just like Computers. You have to just dive in and start playing around with everything in them to learn your way around them. That's how I learned, and I think it's how most others do too. Half the fun and feeling of personal achievment for me comes from exploring and finding out what works. I have had my same cell phone for several years now and I ocassionally still find out things I didn't know it could do. Don't be intimidated by it, you can't really mess it up and nothing is permanent. 

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Re: How do u continue learning Cell Phone Capabilities?

[ Edited ]





The most recent thing I'm nervous about is  - What if something happens &  I lose all the Contacts in it??  That seems kinda irreplaceable, yet critical. 





(Pls note: My nick is in progress: - formerly  ~ MakeUp Maidn, briefly, 411 13 I 5 (-> All His), Seeking New Nickname, now testing:  JoyFilled Warrior

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Re: How do u continue learning Cell Phone Capabilities?

I'll look my question up on you tube, ask DH, or go to the

cell phone store.

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Re: How do u continue learning Cell Phone Capabilities?

I check out you tube first and if that doesn't work I ask my granddaughter.

I'm wondering if the senior centers have a class on it.


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Re: How do u continue learning Cell Phone Capabilities?

this is the main reason why i had kids. LOL


"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: How do u continue learning Cell Phone Capabilities?

[ Edited ]

@JoyFilled Warrior  That would not be an easy thing to do. That's not one of those things you would just stumble into without knowing you were actually doing it. It would take consientious effort to delete your contacts. You got this!

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Re: How do u continue learning Cell Phone Capabilities?

My son and


I told my son, don't make fun of me asking for help or questions about my cell phone.  I once taught you how to use a spoon.🤣

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Re: How do u continue learning Cell Phone Capabilities?

@JoyFilled Warrior , I agree...use it.  Google is your friend.  You can find answers very easily online just by searching.


I was at an event in our city lasypt night.  You could not park without a cell phone.  The normal way to park using the parking stations was broken.  I had to scan the barcode and pay by CC.  If I wasn't able to do that, I wouldn't have been able to park.  There are no parking meters anymore.


Try using it more often and you will become familiar.  Good luck!



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Re: How do u continue learning Cell Phone Capabilities?
